The latest provisions of the medical benefits

First, the latest provisions of the medical benefits

The latest provisions of the medical benefits are as follows:

1, the employee's illness or non-work-related injury labor contract has not expired, the expiration of the medical period, the medical treatment has not ended. The worker is sick or non-work-related injuries, in the provisions of the expiration of the medical period can not be engaged in the original work, and can not be engaged in the work arranged by the employer, the employer can terminate the labor contract. The Circular of the Ministry of Labor on the Issuance of Measures for Economic Compensation for Violation and Termination of Labor Contracts stipulates that if a worker is sick or injured out of work, and the Labor Appraisal Committee confirms that the worker is unable to engage in the original work, or in the work arranged by the employing unit, the employing unit shall, in accordance with the number of years of service in the employing unit, pay him/her one month's salary of economic compensation for each year he/she has completed the period of service in the employing unit, and at the same time, the employing unit shall pay him/her medical subsidy of not less than six months' salary. The employer shall pay him/her one month's salary for each year of his/her service in the organization, and shall also pay him/her medical assistance of not less than six months' salary. In case of serious and terminal illness, the medical subsidy shall be increased by not less than 50% of the medical subsidy in case of serious illness and 100% of the medical subsidy in case of terminal illness;

2. If an employee suffers from an illness or injury not caused by work, and the labor contract expires, the medical treatment period is not yet completed. The former Ministry of Labor on the sick or non-work-related injuries, such as medical management of a number of issues such as the instructions of the reply letter, employees near the end of the labor contract before the onset of cumulative medical period has not expired and the expiration of the labor contract, and need to rest off work for treatment, in the medical period of the medical termination of the medical termination of the day of the termination of the labor contract can be terminated, which was identified by the Labor Appraisal Commission for the loss of the ability to work, can be dealt with for the sick or non-work-related injury retirement, retirement, retirement, and the Ministry of Labor. For those who are recognized by the Labor Appraisal Committee as totally incapacitated for work, they can go through the procedures of retirement or dismissal due to illness or non-work-related injury. For those who do not need to take a break from work for treatment, the labor contract can be terminated upon the expiration of the contract period. When a sick worker terminates his or her labor contract at the end of the contract period, the employer shall pay the worker a lump sum of no less than six months' wages for medical assistance. For workers suffering from serious or terminal illnesses, the employer can appropriately increase the medical subsidy.

Regulations on Work-Related Injury Insurance

Article 36 Employees who are disabled at work and are assessed to be fifth- or sixth-degree disabled shall enjoy the following benefits:

(1) A lump-sum disability benefit shall be paid from the Work-Related Injury Insurance Fund according to the level of disability, with the standard of 18 months' salary for fifth-degree disabled and 16 months' salary for sixth-degree disabled;

(2) The employment relationship with the employer shall be retained, and the employer shall arrange for the payment of medical assistance to the worker, and the employer shall arrange for the payment of medical assistance to the worker. The employer shall arrange appropriate work. Difficulty in arranging work, the employer to pay the monthly disability allowance, the standard is: fifth-degree disability for 70% of their wages, sixth-degree disability for 60% of their wages, and the employer in accordance with the provisions of the social insurance contributions payable for them. If the actual amount of the disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage, the employer will make up the difference.

Upon the injured worker's own proposal, the worker can terminate the labor relationship with the employer or terminate the labor relationship, and the Work Injury Insurance Fund will pay a one-time medical benefit for the injury, and the employer will pay a one-time employment benefit for the disability. The specific standards of the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and the one-time employment benefits for disability are regulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

Second, a one-time disability medical benefits 7 to 10 is how to stipulate.

Calculated in accordance with 300% of the average wage of workers in the integrated area: (a) from the workers' compensation insurance fund to pay a one-time disability benefit according to the level of disability, tenth-degree disability for 7 months of my salary; (b) labor, the workers' compensation insurance fund to pay a one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries, the employer to pay a one-time disability employment benefits, the termination of the contract of employment expires, or the employee himself proposed to terminate the labor. This regulation refers to my salary, employment contract. If the employee's salary is higher than 300% of the average salary of the employees in the co-ordinated area. The specific standards for one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and one-time employment benefits for disability shall be prescribed by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Article 64 of these regulations referred to as total wages; my salary is less than 60% of the average wage of employees in the integrated area, calculated in accordance with 60% of the average wage of employees in the integrated area, refers to the total amount of labor remuneration paid directly by the employer to all the employees in the unit, refers to the average monthly salary of the 12-month average of the workers injured in an accident arising from the work of employees suffering from work-related injuries or suffering from an occupational disease prior to the Article 37 of the workers disabled at work was identified as Grade 7 to 10 disability, enjoy the following treatment: Grade 7 disability for 13 months of their own wages, Grade 8 disability for 11 months of their own wages, the standard, Grade 9 disability for 9 months of their own wages

Third, the medical benefits of work-related injuries counted as three one-time medical benefits

Article 37 of the workers disabled at work was identified as Grade 7 to 10 disability, enjoy the following treatment:

(a) from the (a) from the Work Injury Insurance Fund to pay a one-time disability benefit according to the level of disability, the standard is: 13 months' salary for Grade 7 disability, 11 months' salary for Grade 8 disability, 9 months' salary for Grade 9 disability, and 7 months' salary for Grade 10 disability;

(b) the termination of the labor or employment contract, or the termination of the labor or employment contract proposed by the employee, the Work Injury Insurance Fund shall pay a one-time medical subsidy for the injury. (b) the termination of labor, employment contract, or the termination of labor, employment contract by the employee himself, by the industrial injury insurance fund to pay a one-time medical benefits, the employer to pay a one-time disability employment benefits. The specific standards of the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and the one-time disability employment benefits are set by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Industrial injury, also known as industrial injury, occupational injury, industrial injury, work injury, refers to the workers engaged in occupational activities or activities related to occupational activities suffered by the adverse factors of injury and occupational disease injury. The employer applies for the time limit for the recognition of work injury: 30 days, from the date of accidental injury or diagnosed and identified as occupational disease.

Fourth, consult the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries is how to provide?

After the accident caused by a work-related disability, the labor contract relationship can be terminated or terminated according to the law, taking into account the subsequent medical treatment, employment and disability will be disabled workers production and labor, daily life of the impact, these effects are mainly caused by work-related accidents, and should be given a certain degree of compensation, including one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries.

"Work Injury Insurance Regulations"

Article 36 workers disabled at work were identified as fifth-grade, sixth-grade disability, enjoy the following treatment:

(a) from the Work Injury Insurance Fund according to the level of disability to pay a lump-sum disability benefit, the standard: fifth-degree disability of 18 months of my salary, sixth-degree disability of 16 months of my salary;

(b) retain the labor relationship with the employer, by the employer to arrange for a medical benefit for work injury. The employer shall arrange appropriate work. Difficulty in arranging work, the employer to pay the monthly disability allowance, the standard is: fifth-degree disability for 70% of his salary, sixth-degree disability for 60% of his salary, and the employer in accordance with the provisions of the social insurance contributions payable for him. If the actual amount of the disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage, the employer will make up the difference.

The injured worker himself, the worker can be with the employer to terminate or terminate the labor relationship, by the workers' compensation insurance fund to pay a one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries, to pay a one-time disability employment benefits by the employer. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall prescribe specific standards for the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and the one-time employment benefits for disability.

Article 37 workers disabled at work is identified as Grade 7 to 10 disability, enjoy the following treatment:

(a) from the Work Injury Insurance Fund according to the level of disability to pay a one-time disability benefit, the standard: Grade 7 disability for 13 months of my salary, Grade 8 disability for 11 months of my salary, Grade 9 disability for 9 months of my salary, Grade 10 disability for 7 months of my salary;

(b) labor insurance fund to pay a one-time disability employment benefit, the specific standards of medical benefits and one-time disability employment benefits. > (b) If a labor or employment contract is terminated at the end of its term, or if the employee himself or herself proposes to terminate the labor or employment contract, the Work Injury Insurance Fund shall pay a one-time medical benefit for the injury, and the employer shall pay a one-time employment benefit for the disability. The specific standards for the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and the one-time employment benefits for the disabled are prescribed by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

The Regulations on Work-Related Injury Insurance

Article 36 Employees who are disabled at work and are assessed to be fifth- or sixth-degree disabled shall be entitled to the following treatments:

(1) A lump-sum disability benefit shall be paid from the Work-Related Injury Insurance Fund on the basis of the level of disability, with the standard of 18 months' wages for fifth-degree disabled and 16 months' wages for sixth-degree disabled;

(2) Retaining the employment relationship with the employer, with the employer arranging for the payment of the lump-sum disability employment benefit. The employer shall arrange appropriate work. Difficulty in arranging work, the employer to pay the monthly disability allowance, the standard is: fifth-degree disability for 70% of his salary, sixth-degree disability for 60% of his salary, and the employer in accordance with the provisions of the social insurance contributions payable for him. If the actual amount of the disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage, the employer will make up the difference.

Upon the injured worker's own proposal, the worker can terminate or terminate the labor relationship with the employer, and the Work Injury Insurance Fund will pay a one-time medical benefit for the injury, and the employer will pay a one-time employment benefit for the disability. The specific standards for the one-time medical benefits for work-related injuries and the one-time employment benefits for disability are prescribed by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.