What is a Creative Lab? How is it built? What equipment is needed?

Creative space laboratory contains many, such as animation, ceramics, mold development, robot development, the construction of the Internet of Things, and film and television production, and so on, its purpose is to entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial enthusiasts according to the interest and professional aspects of the target to build the appropriate platform for the creation and teaching. At present, there are a lot of similar creative spaces in China, including various universities, primary and secondary schools, vocational schools and technical schools, as well as entrepreneurial parks, etc., and the state also encourages and supports the construction of various creative spaces. The first thing you need to have is a space to build a makerspace. The first thing you need to do is to have a relatively independent area to build a makerspace, and what equipment you need depends mainly on what kind of entrepreneurial projects you want to do, and according to the content of your project, you need to prepare the relevant things and information. For example, an elementary school or middle school want to build a stop-motion animation creative space need to prepare things are: stop-motion animation shooting control system (six degrees of freedom) ? DSLR camera Camera remote control equipment and adapters Stereoscopic shooting controller Stereoscopic shooting head Lighting control system Shooting software keypad Post-production software Stop-motion model scanning system Head Tripod Quartz lamps Tri-color lamps Lamp stand Ground stand Softbox 5-in-1 reflector bracket Four-leaf honeycomb color shade Special filter paper Background shooting table Blue background paper Electro-abrasive tool kit Shooting turntable Moisture-proof cabinet Model making workbench Model display table Mini Vise Oven ACA Electric Oven Clay Press Professional Toolbox Metal Skeleton Plastic Skeleton Model Stunt Bench Soft Clay Fine Grinding Gypsum Powder Stop Motion Animation Production Sheet Ultra-light Paper Clay Soft Pottery Clay Resin Clay Large Tube Imported Instant Steel Large Tube Imported Instant Copper Large Tube Imported Instant Aluminum Grass Powder Simulation Turf Simulation Flower Plants and Leaves etc. Golden Sandy Soil Stop Motion Animation Post-Production Work Computer ? Stop-motion work table Stop-motion work chair Stop-motion animation technique three Cabinets Storage cabinets Environment building, etc. ? Depending on the demand can be added. ?