How are circuit boards made? Analyzing circuit board making equipment tells you what equipment is needed for pcb

The process of making a circuit board usually consists of the following steps:

1. design circuit diagram: determine the circuit connections, component packages and layout in the circuit diagram.

2. Layout design: PCB layout design based on the circuit diagram.

3. Connecting wiring: Connect the components in the circuit through wiring.

4. Generate Manufacturing File: Export the designed PCB file to manufacturing file.

5. Manufacturing preprocessing: pre-processing according to the manufacturing file.

6. Exposure and Development: Transfer the information in the manufacturing file to the photosensitive overlay, and then form the circuit pattern through the process of exposure and development.

7. Etching: An acidic solution is used to etch away the copper that is not protected by the overlay to form the wires and connections on the board.

8. Drilling: Drill holes are positioned on the PCB using a drill press to mount components in subsequent steps.

9. Surface Preparation: Apply surface treatment to the PCB as needed.

10. Component Mounting: Using automated or manual surface assembly equipment, components are precisely soldered to the PCB.

11. Soldering: Solder the components to the PCB by wave soldering, heat fusion soldering or reflow soldering.

12. Testing and quality checking: Testing and quality checking of the finished manufactured PCB to ensure that the board is working properly and meets the specifications.

On the equipment required for PCB fabrication, it mainly includes:

1. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software: for circuit diagram design and layout design.

2. PCB fabrication machines: including exposure machines, etching machines, drilling machines, surface treatment equipment and so on.

3. Component placement equipment: can be divided into manual placement machines and automatic placement machines, used to install components on the PCB.

4. Welding equipment: such as wave soldering machine, hot melt soldering machine or reflow soldering furnace, used to weld components to the PCB.

5. Test equipment: used to test the electrical performance and reliability of the PCB.