Lumbar disc herniation spinal stenosis caused by right leg pain to eat what medicine can be

For the treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis there are currently 4 categories of more than 20 small categories, I give you a detailed description of the pros and cons of each, but also convenient for you to do the reference and the corresponding choice. Conservative physical therapy: digital four-dimensional spine repositioning traction bed, Chinese medicine hot compresses, high-frequency, needle knife loosening, high-tech oxygen, hydroentanglement, massage, massage, acupuncture, closure, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory painkiller treatment, lumbar epidural special drug treatment, composite needle, micro-needle and so on. This type of treatment is suitable for patients who have just developed the disease, and the nerve roots, arterial vessels, and spinal cord have not been seriously compressed. It can only temporarily relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, and control the condition, and is suitable for patients who are older and have other diseases that cannot undergo open surgery. Interventional minimally invasive treatment: non-invasive micro-needle intervention, percutaneous cutting and suction, high-tech oxidative ablation, colloidal mold dissolution, laser dissolution, liquid hydrodissection, posterior discoscopy and so on. Interventional minimally invasive treatment has been used in the lumbar spine disease clinic for nearly 10 years, and its purpose is a one-time cure, while avoiding the pain of incision. This kind of technology is through the large visual positioning advanced equipment, precise positioning puncture, directly targeting the lesion treatment, lifting the lumbar spine lesions on the nerve root, blood vessels and other tissues, the main features are: no incision, can be cured, safe and reliable, small risk, no pain, no side effects, low cost. View original post>>