Four Hot Majors in the Wake of the Epidemic

At the end of 2019, the sudden onslaught of the epidemic caught us all by surprise, and the epidemic affected schooling, the economy, and people's lives as well as their lives. The people of the country in *** with efforts to control the development of the epidemic, *** with efforts to minimize human and economic losses, prevention and control of the epidemic period, the most hard to pay the biggest price is the health care workers, they give up holidays, go to the infected area to work. In the aftermath of the epidemic, various universities health care related professions will also become a professional in the hot.

Clinical Medicine

Study time: five years

Study subjects: human anatomy, histology and embryology, biochemistry, neurobiology, physiology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, pathology, pharmacology, experiments in human morphology, experiments in medical biology, Medical Functions, Pathogen Biology and Immunology, Diagnostics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics; Evidence-Based Medicine, Health Law, Medical Ethics, Medical Psychology, Physician-Patient Communication and Skills; Basic Principles of Marxism, Ethical and Moral Cultivation; English, Higher Mathematics, Physics for Medical Purposes, Chemistry, and so on.

Examination direction: internal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, clinical medicine, oncology, ophthalmology, geriatrics, neurology, neurology and mental health, anesthesiology.

Employment: health care institutions engaged in clinical medicine, prevention work and medical teaching and research work.

Clinical Pharmacy

Study Time: 5 years

Study Subjects: English, Advanced Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Medical Physics, Basic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Parasites and Microbiology, Natural Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Human System Anatomy, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Clinical Drug Metabolism Kinetics, Cell Biology, Drug Toxicology, Pathology, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Clinical Apprenticeship, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics, Adverse Drug Reactions and Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoeconomics, Hospital Pharmacy Regulations and GCP, Medical Ethics, Pharmacy The course is designed to help students learn how to use their own knowledge and skills in a variety of ways.

Examination direction: pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmacy.

Employment: medical units at all levels, medical schools engaged in clinical pharmacy education, drug distribution, monitoring of adverse drug reactions, drug identification and research and development, pharmaceutical services and management.

Artificial Intelligence

Study time: four years

Study subjects: advanced mathematics, linear algebra, probability and mathematical statistics, cognitive psychology, cognitive robotics, a computer language (Java/C++/Python and so on) and algorithms.

Graduate school: Artificial Intelligence.

Employment: After the industry can stay in school as a teacher, company R & D positions, artificial intelligence laboratory. Specific positions are: data mining engineers, lower computer algorithm engineers, pre-sales technical support (business intelligence direction), industry researchers (stock market).

Environmental Science Major

Study Time: Four Years

Study Subjects: Mechanical Drawing, Environmental Protection Equipment Design, Electrical Engineering and Experimentation, Instrumental Analysis, Principles of Chemical Engineering, Principles of Chemical Engineering Experimentation, Chemical Process Design, Computer Applications in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Specialized Foreign Languages, Introduction to Environmental Science, Environmental Systems Engineering and Optimization, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Quality Assessment, Environmental Noise Control, Solid Waste Disposal Engineering, Air Pollution Control Engineering, Water Pollution Control Engineering, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring Experiments.

Examination direction: environmental science, environmental engineering, environmental science and engineering, environmental science

Employment: researchers: engaged in environmental science research, environmental monitoring, evaluation, management and planning; environmental engineers: engaged in the development of environmental protection products, or environmental engineering and water supply and drainage engineering planning, design and management; teachers: serve as the corresponding professional teachers of colleges and universities; civil servants: in the Central Teachers: as a teacher of the corresponding specialties in colleges and universities; civil servants: in the central and local, industrial ministries and departments of environmental science and research work.