Frequent dizziness is how

Dizziness, many people think it is a minor problem, dizziness when hungry, dizziness before and after menstruation, squatting for a long time to stand up will be dizziness. Dizziness in the middle, should not be a big problem. However, if you are dizzy for a long time, you should be careful, because it may be the precursor of a serious illness.

When you have a cold, you may experience dizziness, and some women sometimes confuse a blood deficiency with a cold, because both are characterized by fatigue, dizziness, and boredom. Blood deficiency occurs easily during pregnancy, and is also a common problem in people with anemia. However, it is important to note that dizziness is not exclusive to women, but also to men. Of course, it is true that a higher percentage of women suffer from dizziness.

Western medicine categorizes unexplained dizziness as an ear-water imbalance, but from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is often caused by stress, or chronic sleep deprivation, which can lead to temporary weakness. Other causes of dizziness that should not be avoided include:

Brain tumor: pressure on the brain nerves, resulting in a variety of unexplained symptoms

Liver wind within the movement: the patient is often self-conscious of the dry mouth and mouth bitter, hot and dry. In this case, do not take tonic, otherwise the more tonic the more dizzy.

Cervical vertebrae degeneration: due to long-term posture or poor sleeping position, resulting in cervical vertebrae hyperplasia, deformation, degradation, neck muscle tightening, arterial blood supply is blocked. This condition is not curable by drugs, and must be treated by improving posture, massage, acupuncture and other treatments.

Dizziness is a phenomenon in which blood flow to the brain decreases due to the expansion of blood vessels in the skin. This phenomenon can be caused by too much exposure to the hot sun, too much time in a hot bath, or stress, anger, etc. In addition to the above, the lack of vitamins and minerals can also cause dizziness. In addition to the above, vitamin deficiency, hormonal abnormalities, menopause or autonomic nervous system disorders are also factors that can cause dizziness.

All types of cervical spondylosis can be characterized by headaches, dizziness, numbness of the scalp, numbness of the hands, shoulder pain, and even nausea and panic. Early symptoms of cervical spondylosis are not very obvious and can recover on their own, so many young people are completely unaware of the onslaught of cervical spondylosis. Once the pain is chronic, recovery is not easy.

The main cause of cervical spondylosis is the prolonged maintenance of the same posture, muscle stiffness and fatigue, which leads to cervical pain. Now, more and more people are working in sedentary jobs, repeating the same work posture almost every day, especially with the popularity of computers, many people are keen on surfing the Internet, playing games, etc., sitting in front of the computer for a few hours, which can easily cause muscle strain and accelerate the degeneration of the cervical vertebrae. You can stand up after a long time to maintain a position to exercise, dizziness, open the window ventilation, in the temples, people in the middle, behind the ear coated with Longhu Shu wake up serum, with the appropriate massage, can effectively alleviate the symptoms of dizziness.

If you find an unexplained headache, dizziness, scalp numbness, numbness of the hands, shoulder pain, and even with nausea, panic and other symptoms of the people, it is best to find the orthopaedic specialist to diagnose and treat first. Do not easily accept the treatment of those who do not have professional medical training of massage therapists, will give the cervical spine buried a great hidden danger. For the first incidence of cervical spondylosis, you can do physical therapy, adjust the work, life habits can be. For the longer course of cervical spondylosis, improper massage may lead to further damage to the soft tissues. More seriously, long-term vigorous massage repeatedly on the cervical spine of the intervertebral discs, small joints and ligaments, will destroy the stability of the cervical spine, accelerate the degeneration of the intervertebral discs protruding, so that the cervical spinal cord is subjected to a more serious compression, accelerating the development of cervical spondylosis.