and the change of air combat tactics.
Follow-control layout technology refers to the overall layout of the aircraft with the control system. With this technology aircraft equipped with a variety of flight
The flight status sensors, computers, automatic control systems. During the flight. On-board computer can be based on the pilot's intentions, the aircraft's attitude, the surrounding airflow conditions, in a timely manner to send out command signals, active control of a variety of maneuvering surfaces, so that the maneuvering surface of the aerodynamic forces according to the need to change, in order to improve the maneuverability of the aircraft.
The ControlConfiguredVehicle (CCV) is simply an aircraft that applies active control technology to the aircraft to improve flight quality through teletype maneuvering. To summarize him, with the control layout of the aircraft application of two major technologies, namely, active control technology and basic (conventional) design technology. Active Control Technology (ACT). That is, in the overall design phase of the aircraft to take the initiative to the automatic control system and aerodynamic layout. Structure, power plant and so on together for comprehensive design, so as to comprehensively improve the flight performance of the aircraft and improve the flight quality.
Following the layout of the aircraft also has certain disadvantages, is the reliability of the automatic control system requires a high degree of reliability, once the electronic equipment failure, the aircraft will be very easy to accident.
With the layout of the aircraft control content mainly includes relaxation of static stability, direct force control, maneuvering load control, gust mitigation control, flutter suppression control, ride quality control and other items. From the current follow-control layout aircraft, some apply one of them, and some use more than one of them. Add: It's easy; it's really the difference between the old "Static Stable Layout" and "Static Unstable Layout". The reason for these two names is that there is a difference in the way they are controlled: the former relies on traditional mechanical and hydraulic controls, and for stability, the center of lift is behind the center of gravity, which ensures that the pilot can control the attitude of the aircraft. The latter relies mainly on electronic controls, which rely on computers to manipulate the aircraft's attitude. Such an airplane is unstable and the pilot cannot and does not need to control it (computers can perform complex control calculations and control in real time).