What are the world's top 5 engineering plastics? What is his use

Domestic common is polycarbonate, polyformaldehyde, polyamide, thermoplastic polyester, modified polyphenylene ether and other five major engineering plastics ...

1> Polyamide:

(PA, commonly known as: nylon) due to its unique low specific gravity, high tensile strength, wear resistance, self-lubricating, excellent impact toughness, with both rigid and flexible performance and win people's attention, coupled with its easy processing, high efficiency, light weight (only metal 1/7), can be processed into a variety of products to replace the metal, widely used in the automotive and transportation industries. and transportation industry. Typical products are pump impellers, fan blades, valve seats, bushings, bearings, a variety of instrument panels, automotive electrical instrumentation, hot and cold air conditioning valves and other parts, about each car consumption of nylon products amounted to 3.6 ~ 4 kg. Polyamide in the automotive industry, the largest proportion of consumption, followed by electrical and electronic.

2> Polycarbonate:

(PC) has both the strength of similar non-ferrous metals, while both ductility and toughness, its impact strength is extremely high, with a hammer can not be destroyed, can withstand the explosion of the TV fluorescent screen. Polycarbonate transparency and excellent, and can be applied to any coloring. Because of the above excellent performance of polycarbonate, has been widely used in a variety of security lampshade, signal lamps, gymnasiums, stadiums, transparent protective panels, lighting glass, high-rise building glass, automobile mirrors, windshield panels, aircraft cockpit glass, motorcycle driving helmets. The markets with the highest usage are computers, office equipment, automobiles, replacement glass and sheets, and CD and DVD disks are one of the most promising markets.

3> Polyformaldehyde:

Polyformaldehyde (pom) is an engineering plastic with excellent performance, in foreign countries, there is a "steel", "super steel". pom has a similar hardness, strength and steel metal, in a wide range of temperatures and humidity range. Pom has similar hardness, strength and steeliness of metal, in a wide range of temperature and humidity have good self-lubrication, good fatigue resistance, and rich in elasticity, in addition it has good chemical resistance. pom to lower than the cost of many other engineering plastics, is replacing some of the traditionally occupied by the metal of the market, such as replacing zinc, brass, aluminum and steel to make a lot of parts, since the introduction of the pom has been widely used in electrical and electronic, machinery, instrumentation, Daily light industry, automobile, building materials, agriculture and other fields. In many new areas of application, such as medical technology, sports equipment, etc., pom also showed good growth.

4> Polybutylene terephthalate:

(PBT) is a thermoplastic polyester, non-reinforced PBT and other thermoplastic engineering plastics compared to the processing performance and electrical properties of the better. PBT glass transition temperature is low, the mold temperature of 50 ° C can be quickly crystallized, short processing cycle. Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) is widely used in the electronic, electrical and automotive industries. Due to the high insulation and temperature resistance of PBT can be used as a TV set back to the sweep transformer, car distributor and ignition coil, office equipment shell and base, a variety of automotive exterior parts, air conditioning fan, electronic stove base, office equipment shell parts.

5> Polyphenylene ether:

Chemical abbreviation for PPO. 2,6-disubstituted phenol by oxidative coupling polymerization of thermoplastic resins, generally in the form of yellow powder. Commonly used by the 2,6-dimethyl phenol synthesized polyphenylene ether, has excellent overall performance, the most important feature is that in the long-term load, has excellent dimensional stability and outstanding electrical insulation, the use of a wide range of temperatures can be Polyphenylene ether

in the range of -127 ~ 121 ℃ for long-term use. It has excellent water and steam resistance, high tensile and impact strength, and good creep resistance. In addition, there are good wear resistance and electrical properties. Mainly used instead of stainless steel to manufacture surgical medical equipment. In the electromechanical industry can make gears, blower blades, pipes, valves, screws and other fasteners and connectors, etc., but also for the production of electronic and electrical industry parts, such as coil skeleton and printed circuit boards.

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