1. Policies related to the posting of items are usually based on national and state laws, however, many restrictions on the sale of dangerous or sensitive items are not necessarily prohibited by law. Most such restrictions are based on recommendations from interested parties, including the community. For example, see the Offensive Items Policy.
2. When selling items to other countries, be aware of global trade and import restrictions. Items that are legal in some countries may not be legal in others.
3. The items listed below are not necessarily prohibited across the board. For example, many items are prohibited under the Medical Devices Policy (e.g., contact lenses), but many other items, such as some medical devices, are not prohibited under certain circumstances. If you have any questions, please read the notes to the policy, details of which can be found in the "Other Notes" and "Examples" sections of the policy page.
Note: The examples are intended to be an illustration of the policy, not a complete list.
4. In addition, please be sure to read the listing rules and IPR rules to see if there are any other restrictions that may affect the type of item you are listing.
List of Prohibited and Controlled Items:
1. Adult items (see Adult category)
2. Alcoholic beverages (see also Alcoholic beverages)
3. Animal and wildlife products - examples include live animals and wildlife products. Animal and wildlife products - examples include live animals, mounted specimens, and ivory
4. artwork
5. antiquities - examples include Native American antiquities, cave artifacts, and grave-related items
6. catalytic converters and test tubes
7. mobile phone ("wireless") service contracts
8. Wireless) service contracts
8. Publication in connection with charitable or fund-raising activities
9. Used clothing
10. Coins
11. Contracts
12. Used cosmetics
13. Counterfeit banknotes and forged stamps
14. Credit cards
15. Medicines and related items
16. Drugs, prescription drugs or drug-like substances
17. Electronic equipment - examples include cable television decoders, radar scanners and traffic signal control devices
18. Electronic surveillance equipment - examples include wire taps and telephone taps
19. 19. transport of goods and prohibited countries - examples include items from Cuba
20. event tickets
21. ammunition, weapons and knives - examples include pepper spray, replicas and stun batons
22. foodstuffs
23. stored-value cards
24. official documents and transportation-related devices
23. >Official and transportation-related documents
25. Government documents and licenses
26. Hazardous, controlled, and perishable items - examples include batteries, fireworks, and refrigerants
27. Human organs and skeletal remains
28. Items imported into the United States. - Examples include CDs that were originally intended to be sold only within certain countries
29. global transactions
30. items that encourage illegal activity - examples include e-books with instructions for manufacturing methamphetamine
31. lock picking devices
32. lottery tickets
33. e-mail lists and personal information
34. manufacturer's coupons
35. medical devices - examples include contact lenses, pacemakers, and surgical instruments
36. pyramid schemes, pyramid selling, and matrix selling
37. offensive items - examples include racially offensive items and Nazi memorabilia
37. Racially objectionable items and Nazi memorabilia
38. Insecticides
39. Plants (see "Plants and Seeds")
40. Police items
41. Political memorabilia
42. Postage calculators
43. Drugs
44. prohibited services
45. real estate
46. recycled items
47. slot machines
48. postage stamps
49. stocks and other securities
50. stolen goods and items with obliterated serial numbers
51. tobacco
52. items related to the use of drugs and medicines
53. Transportation-related items - examples include blueprints of transportation agencies, aircraft operation manuals, and uniforms for flight crews
53. Travel-related items
54. Plants and seeds