Is Bluetooth radiation big?
Tested by the World Health Organization, IEEE and other experts in the group, the test found that the radiation output power of Bluetooth products is only 1 milliwatt, is one millionth of the power of microwave ovens, is one thousandth of the power of the cell phone (cell phone), and only a small portion of these outputs are absorbed by the human body. Bluetooth radiation to the human body than directly using a cell phone to receive calls and try the traditional wired headset, more green and safe, children and pregnant women can rest assured that the use of. \x0d\ Simply put, the Bluetooth headset radiation value is only a few tenths of a cell phone, almost negligible, belonging to the radiation-free products, a green way to use the phone. \x0d\ Of course, the use of Bluetooth headset does not eliminate cell phone radiation, but it is like a bulletproof vest, the use of Bluetooth headset, it is like putting on a bulletproof vest for yourself, with its protection, in the use of cell phones, you can put the radiation of the bullets outside the human body, so as to avoid the cell phone on the human body may constitute all kinds of harm. Theoretically speaking, any kind of electrical products in the operation process will produce a certain amount of radiation, bluetooth headset is no exception, but due to the bluetooth headset power consumption is very low, the actual radiation produced is relatively very small. It has been determined that, compared with not using a Bluetooth headset, the radiation when using a Bluetooth headset is only a few tenths of the former, almost negligible. \x0d\ Bluetooth headset to reduce cell phone radiation method: 1. Wait until the call is established, and then put the earpiece to the ear. The cell phone in communication establishment is working at maximum power. It is recommended to install the software that turns on the vibration. \x0d\2.Do not hold the phone in your hand, it hinders communication and will force the phone to work at a higher power. \x0d\3. Talk under good communication conditions. Generally when the signal is poor, the radiation will increase along with the transmit power. \x0d\4. In case of poor communication, change the location or area to get a better signal. \x0d\5. It is better to install an external antenna in the car. The car's shell can block or even reflect electromagnetic waves, causing the cell phone to work at maximum power. \x0d\6. Don't make phone calls on the train, it's best to do it before you get on the train, as the signal is usually not as strong along the railroad tracks. Or in a special compartment with a cell phone sign, to ensure a better signal, of course, it is best to wait until the train arrives at the station to call. \x0d\7. Use a headset. The further the cell phone is away from your body and head, the less radiation it will emit, of course. \x0d\8. Don't carry your cell phone with you all the time. For example, put it on the desk in the office, or turn it off at night, or leave it on open on a chair that is far away, or on a windowsill where reception is generally good. \x0d\9.SAR value gives the value of radiation caused to the head at the maximum power output of the cell phone. The EU standard is 2W|Kg, the US 1.6, and China 1. Although the SAR given by cell phone manufacturers is generally slightly higher than the actual radiation value, it is wiser to choose a cell phone with a lower SAR value. \x0d\11. Use a hat, these have built-in radiation reflecting metal that can act as a barrier and reflector of radiation, which can attenuate or even completely eliminate cell phone radiation. Or use a cell phone pouch. \x0d\12. Keep your cell phone in as vertical a position as possible. \x0d\13.Try to use Wifi when there is a wireless signal. when not in use, turn it off as well. \x0d\14. turn off your cell phone at night, because even in standby, the phone will communicate with the base station from time to time. \x0d\15.Use your cell phone sparingly when you have a landline at hand \x0d\16.Avoid cordless phones. \x0d\ If you are ready to buy a Bluetooth headset, you can refer to: Bluetooth headset latest offer