Benxi Shiqiaozi pharmacy is there a pharmacy called Noveno What is the correct name?


Small factory, just built before the New Year, treatment is not as good as large factories, people with education generally do not want.

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, professional counterparts of a graduate in the past, can only deal with a salary of about 3000.

Education and then higher almost people dare not want you, if other schools, for example, Dongda, Dagong came out, not as good as the Shenyang drug it, the professional can not, more do not.

One more thing, now the pharmaceutical company is very important to your qualifications, generally willing to accept experienced people.

For example, someone, Shanghai XXX University, chemistry and pharmaceuticals graduate students, internship in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biomedicine (in Beijing, the country on this one) ...... a person's usual grades are not bad, English 8, the second foreign language learned 2, ... ...the information is good.

But such, even more no one dares to want, which is still not a month to give 8000 ah?8000 people are still too little, and small pharmaceutical companies want such a person, but can only pay 5000-6000.

If there is no work experience and internships in the ordinary graduates, generally do not look at, go to the pharmaceutical company internships and no internships are not much different.

What is the difference between the drugstore internships and no internships, the drugstore internships and no internships.

The difference between a CAS institute and a pharmaceutical company is vast.

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student in this field, you should think about it and not go there to save yourself the trouble.

The leader of the development zone sent a person, or his relatives, which have touched a big nail, the graduate student of a university in Shanghai is a high status of a leader's relatives, so big leaders have touched the nail, the other pharmaceutical companies are embarrassed to say, just say that they can not afford to use such a person, you think about it ah.

If you are a worker, it doesn't matter, if you are a technician, wait for it, there is a project later this year that is good, the Northeast Pharmaceuticals project, it is not yet determined when it will be put into production.

If you are a technician and have your own project in hand, it is best to have a patent, no patent application, as long as you have your own project, bring it to this side, apply for investment, the general development zone can help invest 300-500W, build a small factory.