What are the types of business negotiation process

Generally, when a party offer, the other party will not accept the offer unconditionally, but will bargain, this time the negotiation into the consultation stage. Consultation stage is a negotiation between the two sides face to face discussion, reasoning and argumentation stage, is the substantive coordination or contest stage. Consultation stage is the key stage of negotiation, but also the most difficult and tense stage of negotiation.

One, the counteroffer

Counteroffer is when one party listened to the other party's offer, in order to make the appropriate response to the other party's offer, you can put forward to the other side of their own requirements of the terms of the transaction. Pay attention to the following points:

1, before the counteroffer to accurately and clearly grasp the other party's entire content. You can do this by asking questions and making inquiries.

2, ask the other party to make price explanation. Through the price of the explanation, you can understand the other side of the real intention of the offer, you can look for the other side of the cracks so as to provide conditions for their own counter-offer.

Two, bargaining

When a party offer, the other side of the counter-offer, due to the two sides in the transaction conditions on the existence of differences, the need to discuss, the negotiation between the two sides began the bargaining. Bargaining, the two sides must make a judgment on the differences between each other.

Generally speaking, the negotiation process is divided into three categories of differences: imaginary differences, artificial differences and real differences.

Imaginary differences are caused by the fact that one party does not have a good understanding of the other party's requirements or position; or does not believe that the other party's statement accurately reflects the other party's requirements. The solution is to master communication skills.

Artificial disagreements are caused by one party intentionally setting up barriers for various purposes. The solution is to spend a little more time on negotiation.

Real disagreements are caused by a variety of reasons, such as differences in the interests of the two sides, so there are also a variety of options for the solution.

Generally speaking, after analyzing the differences between the two sides and judging the real intentions of the other side, if it is found that there is a great deal of real disagreement between the two sides, the negotiators have three choices: terminate the negotiations, full-scale negotiations, and continue consultations. If the two sides chose to continue consultations to reach an agreement with mutual concessions from both sides, the negotiations enter the next stage.

Three concessions

Every concession made by the two sides in the negotiation is to detect the scope of the other side's possible deal. Experienced negotiators are always able to grasp the conditions of concessions, timing, principles, with flexible concessions, small concessions, in exchange for the other side of the larger concessions: on the contrary, some negotiators even if they make larger concessions, but also can not make the other side satisfied. Therefore, the negotiation of concessions is every negotiator must face the thorny issue.

(A) to determine the conditions of their own side can make concessions

1, a list of concessions negotiation.

2, consider the reaction of the other side of the concession.

(B) the basic principles of concessions

Every concession, contains some of the loss of interests, therefore, concessions must comply with a number of principles:

1,concessions should not be too fast, do not allow the other party to easily get the concessions of their own, so as to avoid the other side of the inch into the foot.

2, the magnitude of concessions can not be too large, otherwise it will make the other side suspected of the initial offer of water is too large.

3, never gratuitous concessions.

4, do not promise to do the same level of concessions.

5, concessions should be appropriate, to their own side of the smaller concessions in exchange for generous larger satisfaction.

6,Even if it is necessary to make concessions, but never cheap to give.

7,If you make a concession and then consider it wrong, you can push to start again, do not be embarrassed, because it is not the final decision.

8, do not forget the number of concessions on your side, because it is related to the bargaining power of your side.

(C) break the deadlock

Breaking the deadlock is the last step before the deal, if you can do this step, it may make the negotiation towards the deal stage.

The negotiating parties in the end of the opening phase of the non-business, small talk, after the topic will turn to the main topic, that is, the beginning of the offer. The offer and the subsequent negotiation is the core of the whole negotiation process and the most important part, determines whether the business deal, or once the deal, how much profit can be.

And here the offer is not only a narrow reference to the product in the price of the offer, and refers to the negotiation of the party on the other side of the requirements, including the quantity of goods, quality, price, shipping, insurance, payment, commodity inspection, claims, and other conditions of the transaction, in which the price of the conditions have an important position.

Offer is the business negotiation from horizontal spread to vertical depth of the turning point.

One, the form of offer

Offer written offer and oral offer two forms.

1. Written offer: written offer is usually a party to the written material in advance, data and icons and other detailed expression of their own side of the negotiations need to reach the terms of the transaction.

2. Oral offer: oral that is, a party to the oral form of their own requirements and willing to assume the obligations.

Two, how to offer

Business negotiations, the offer is directly related to the distribution of benefits. Therefore, how to offer in the negotiation has a vital role.

(A) the basis of the offer and the basic principles

The basic principle of the offer decision-making is that, through repeated comparisons and trade-offs, to try to find the benefits of the offerer and the success rate of the offer is accepted between the best combination of points. This is the ideal best offer. However, in the reality of the negotiations, due to the negotiating parties affected by a variety of factors, to find the optimal combination of this is not easy ah, but as a negotiator must strive for.

(2) offer starting point determination

The actual negotiation process of the initial offer is called the opening price. Its intrinsic meaning and role is:

1. The opening price for the price of the transaction to determine the maximum limit.

2. The opening price to the other side to provide a corresponding evaluation of their own scale of value of the standard.

3. A higher opening price for the next price negotiation leaves room for maneuver.

(C) the implementation of the offer

In the offer, pay attention to the following issues:

1. To the other side of the offer should be firm and decisive attitude, without hesitation.

2. The presentation of the offer should be accurate and clear to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation by the other party.

3. Do not explain and evaluate the price quoted.

Three, the order of quotation

In business negotiations, which party first offer is not fixed, the order of quotation should depend on the situation.

The first offer will make the other party to focus on the offer to launch an attack, forcing the offerer to step by step to reduce the price, and how much they intend to pay the price is not revealed, then, the negotiation becomes a war of aggression around their own offer.