There are two basic methods for calculating and determining the estimated budget cost

(1) the percentage of the cost of equipment estimation method

To the proposed project equipment costs as a base, according to the completed similar projects or installations of the construction and installation costs and other costs as a percentage of the value of the equipment, to find the corresponding construction and installation costs and other costs, the sum of which is the investment in the project or installation.

(2) Lange coefficient method

The equipment cost as a base, multiplied by the appropriate coefficient (Lange coefficient) to project the construction cost of the project.

Meaning of budget

Budget is a pre-calculation of the various human and material resources and funds required for an engineering and construction project before it begins. Its purpose is to effectively determine and control the investment of the construction project and the preparation of human, material and financial resources to ensure the successful completion of the project.

Budget as a technical term, in fact, there are two understandings. Broad understanding should refer to the budget preparation of such a complete work process, a narrow understanding of the results of this process is inevitable, that is, the budget document.