In China, freelancers include three types of people:
1. Small business people, such as snack bars, individual retail stores, owners of decoration companies, and print stores.
2. Salesmen with no base salary, such as real estate agents, life insurance consultants, advertising agents, and direct marketers.
3. Professionals, such as photographers, patent agents, lawyers, accountants, dentists, technology consultants, management consultants, plumbers, electricians, barbers, artists, and so on.
Freelancing is not absolutely free
In fact, the so-called freedom is relative, do not think that independent singers, lawyers, freelance writers, or a wiki will be able to skyrocket, nothing to worry about. I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but I'm sure it's the right thing to do," he said.
The 20th century is a market economy, everything is about exchange, to ask for it, you have to pay for it, do a star, to be famous, waving the world, you have to sacrifice some privacy, sometimes have to make a little bit of boiling scandal, designed to attract the audience's attention; do a lawyer will have to suspend the day-to-day moral judgment, to put away the personal good and bad, for the defense of the guilty and the innocent.
Even as a freelance writer, you can't write at your own whim; you have to cater to the tastes of your editor, and get a feel for what's in vogue, or else you'll be pitching to no one, and your livelihood will be in question. The same is true for wikis, you also have to cater to the views of customers and make compromises!
Baidu Encyclopedia Freelancing