What are the causes of contract disputes

Contract disputes, refers to all disputes between the parties to the contract arising from the entry into force of the contract, interpretation, performance, change, termination and other acts. The main types: a contract validity disputes 1. invalid contract disputes, refers to the invalidity of the contract and the disputes between the parties to the contract. 2. valid contract disputes, refers to the premise of the contract is in force, the parties to the contract due to the performance of the contract and the disputes that occur, including after the conclusion of the contract contract contract parties to the interpretation of the contract, the contract performance and breach of contract, the contract of the contract, change, suspension, transfer, terminate, Termination of all disputes arising from the contract, the vast majority of contract disputes are valid contract disputes. Oral and Written Contract Disputes 1. Oral contract disputes refer to all disputes arising from the fulfillment of an oral contract by the parties to the contract. 2. Written contract disputes refer to all disputes arising from the fulfillment of a written contract by the parties to the contract. 3. Domestic and foreign contract disputes IV. Contract disputes with or without a name This is a division of the contract from the point of view of whether the name of the contract is legal. Contract law specifies the name of the contract for the famous contract, other contracts are nameless contract. Fifth, the standard and non-standard contract disputes in addition to the above five methods of contract disputes, there are divided from other perspectives, such as can be divided into contract disputes, contract performance disputes, contract disputes, contract disputes, contract disputes, contract disputes, contract disputes, termination disputes and so on.