Healthy China's program content

The column is divided into three sections with a total duration of 30 minutes, attempting to achieve an all-round, multi-angle panoramic interpretation.

Observations - a collection of cutting-edge medical information, policy trends, industry dynamics, and hot events, taking stock of important events in China's healthcare sector in the recent week. Duration: 5 minutes

The Line of Sight - Discover and report on the specialties of hospitals around the world, display the special diagnosis and treatment services of hospitals around the world, show the optimal management, advocate the best service, disseminate the highest reputation, and cast five-star departments. Discover the most adorable people who are truly dedicated to the medical career. Duration: 8 minutes

Medicine - Dialogue with domestic authorities in the field of healthcare, inviting a well-known expert and scholar to talk about healthcare, reviewing the healthy life of dedication to medicine, and spreading the road of seeking for the path of virtuosity and excellence in medicine. Length of Edition: 15 minutes