Omron Corporation is one of the world's leading manufacturers of electronic equipment, and was the first Japanese company to specialize in industrial otome products after 70 years of effort. It was established in 1933, and has been searching the world for a long time for products such as industrial otome machines, systems, control equipment parts, automation equipment, public ****, medical equipment, and OA equipment. These products are used in a wide range of social and productive aspects of life, including industrial automation systems, manufacturing equipment parts, automation equipment, public transportation, medical equipment, and OA equipment systems. Our products are used in a wide range of social production and life. ブランドを确立するために業界では大声で、かけがえのない位置を占めている
Omuron kabushikigaisha wa, denshi kiki no sekai yūsū no mēkādeari, doryoku no 70-nen-go ni sangyō-yō ō tomēshon seihin jōhō kaisha ni toku-ka shita Nippon-hatsu no kigyōdeari, 1933-nen ni setsuritsu sa re, kenshutsu sekai o rīdo suru koa to seigyo gijutsu, ōmu hoji suru Nagai seihin wa, kōgyō-yō ōtomēshon kiki, shisutemu, seigyo kiki buhin, jidō-ka sōchi, kōkyō, iryō kiki, OA kiki no shisutemu o fukumu, korera no seihin wa, hiroku shakai-tekina seisan de no seikatsu no arayuru sokumen o shiyō sa rete iru. no seikatsu no arayuru sokumen o shiyō sa rete iru. Burando o kakuritsu suru tame ni gyōkai de wa ōgoe de, kakegae no nai ichi o shimete iru