Classification of Garbage, Sources and Hazards to the Environment

It is categorized as domestic and industrial waste.

It is carcinogenic to humans


Computer statement paper, envelopes, note paper, magazines, books, calendars, calendars, wrapping paper, leaflets, photocopying paper, recycled paper, newspapers, telephone directories, cardboard boxes, paper bags, business cards, paper candy boxes, corrugated cardboard, tissue paper rolls, shopping bags, other pure pulp products...etc... etc.

Other recyclables

Tin cans, aluminum cans, aluminum foil packs, detergent cans, glass (bottles, cups, dishes, jars), carton packs for food (beverages), plastic cans (cups) for food (beverages),

Scrap iron and other recyclable materials with recycling symbols printed on them, etc.

Other recyclables

Scrap iron and other recyclable materials with recycling symbols printed on them, etc.

What is a recyclable product? Other recyclable materials.

General Garbage


※Batteries, light bulbs (tubes), discarded computers

Municipal and medical garbage and some industrial and construction waste are unavoidable wastes in human life. Chemical analysis shows that the garbage contains a variety of toxic and harmful substances, such as heavy metals As, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Mn, etc., organic compounds, such as aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated organic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and harmful microorganisms and so on.

These wastes have harmful substances or harmful microorganisms, such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses; or organic pollutants, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon gases and other carcinogens, carcinogens; or inorganic pollutants, such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, zinc, chromium, etc.; or physical pollutants, such as radioactive contamination; or other pollutants, such as parasites, vermin, odor and so on. These pollutants contaminate the soil, air and water, and jeopardize human health through a variety of channels.

One is the direct harm. Garbage is rich in proteins, lipids and sugar compounds, at room temperature, microbial decomposition of organic matter in the process of generating NH3, H2S and harmful hydrocarbon gases, with a distinctive odor and toxicity, directly endangering the human body.

The second is indirect harm. The garbage pile is a place for mosquitoes, flies, rats and insects to breed. Garbage leachate and wet ground is adult mosquito spawning, larval breeding and adult mosquito habitat. Mosquitoes, especially light-colored Culex mosquitoes, like to suck human blood and are the vectors of malaria, schistosomiasis, encephalitis B and other diseases. Flies, with a variety of decaying organic matter as food, eating and pulling, is the source of cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis and other infectious diseases. Rats, inhabiting kitchens, gutters, and miscellaneous piles, are the source of plague, leptospirosis, and schistosomiasis. Insects such as cockroaches, which often forage for food and carry intestinal pathogens and parasite eggs in places where there is water, are a kind of vector insects. It can be seen that the garbage dump, become a mosquito, flies, rats, insects inhabiting, breeding, all around the harm to the human body's "base camp". Municipal garbage contains a lot of aromatic organic matter and chlorine-containing organic matter, and when it is burned arbitrarily, it will form chlorinated dibenzodioxin (PCDD) and chlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF), which are strong carcinogenic substances. Garbage piled up randomly, due to biological action will produce CO2 and CH4 and toxic gases H2S, garbage piled up in the open will also lead to an explosion.

Thirdly, it is an adhesion hazard. Hazardous substances in the garbage pollute the air, soil and water, and then the air, soil, water, food as a media or carrier will be attached to the hazardous substances invade the human body, so that people suffer. Soil is the center of material exchange and material circulation in the ecosystem. Heavy metals and a large amount of organic matter, eggs and larvae of helminths (hookworms, roundworms), and pathogenic bacteria (bacteria, viruses, etc.) in garbage enter the soil and accelerate the reproduction of helminths and pathogenic microorganisms. Harvesting vegetables and fruits may take these hazards, when people eat unclean vegetables and melons, hazards invade the human body, becoming a vicious circle of urban garbage contamination of rural fields, crop contamination of the city. Polluted soil, when the dust flies with the wind, the dust carried by the hazards, especially tuberculosis bacteria, through the respiratory tract into the human body. Garbage leachate through the soil into the water, contaminated water and aquaculture waters, pollutants in the water enrichment, by the fish, shellfish, aquatic products absorbed and then eaten by people, and make the human body was harmed.