What are the listed companies in Hainan

Hainan has 21 listed companies, 3 listed companies. They are: 1. G Haihong (000503.SZ); 2. * ST Pearl River (000505.SZ), * ST Pearl River B (200505.SZ); 3. G Haiyao Pharmaceuticals (000566.SZ); 4. G Haider (000567.SZ); 5. Xin Dazhou A (000571.SZ); 6. G Jinpan (000572.SZ); 7. * ST Donghai A (000613.SZ), * ST Donghai B (200613.SZ); 8. ST Donghai A (000613.SZ), *ST Donghai B (200613.SZ); 8. Chinatungsten High-Tech (000657.SZ); 9. *ST Huandao (000691.SZ); 10. G Luoniushan (000735.SZ); 11. G Gas (000793.SZ); 12. G Haikou Expressway (000886.SZ); 13. G Xinlong (000955.SZ); 14. *ST Roden (600209.SH); 15. Hainan Airlines (600221.SH), HNA B shares (900945.SH); 16. G Coconut Island (600238.SH); 17. *ST Polyester (600259.SH); 18. *ST a cast (600515.SH); 19. * ST Overseas Chinese (600759.SH); 20. G Haisheng (600896.SH); 21. Meilan Airport (0357.HK); 22. Hai Guozhi 5 (400005.OCT); 23. Huakai 5 (400007.OCT); 24. Nanyang 3 (400023.OCT);

A. Listed company (The). listed company), according to the "Chinese People's *** and the State Company Law" Chapter IV, Section 5 [1] of the relevant provisions, refers to the public offering of shares approved by the State Council or the State Council authorized the securities management department in the stock exchange listed and traded on the stock exchange of the limited company. The so-called unlisted company refers to a joint stock limited company whose shares are not listed and not traded on a stock exchange. A listed company is a type of joint stock limited company, and such a company must meet certain conditions in addition to being approved for listing and trading on a stock exchange. The amendments to the Company Law and the Securities Law are conducive to more enterprises becoming listed companies and companies whose bonds are traded on the stock exchange.

Two, listing requirements

1. Stocks have been approved by the State Council Securities Regulatory Commission has been issued to the public. 2. the company's total share capital of not less than 30 million yuan. 3. Open for more than three years, the last three consecutive years of profit; the original state-owned enterprises established by law conversion, or the implementation of this law after the establishment of a new formation, its main sponsor for the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, can be calculated consecutively. 4. The number of shareholders holding shares with a nominal value of RMB 1,000 or more shall not be less than 1,000, and the number of shares publicly issued to the public shall be twenty-five percent or more of the total number of shares of the company; if the total share capital of the company exceeds RMB 400 million yuan, the percentage of shares publicly issued to the public shall be ten percent or more. 5. The company has not committed any major violation of law in the last three years, and the financial accounting report has not been falsely recorded. 6. Other conditions stipulated by the State Council.

: After an application for stock listing has been approved by the securities regulatory authority, the approved documents shall be submitted to the stock exchange as well as the following documents: 1. Listing report; 2. Decision of the general meeting of shareholders applying for listing; 3. Articles of Association; 4. Business license of the company; 5. Financial accounting reports of the company for the last three years, or since the establishment of the company, verified by the statutory verification agency; 6. Legal opinion and Recommendation letter from the securities company; 7. The latest prospectus; 8. Other documents required by the stock exchange.

Article 47 of the Securities Law stipulates, "After an application for stock listing and trading has been approved by the stock exchange, the listed company shall announce the relevant documents for the listing of the approved stock five days prior to the date of listing and make the documents available for public inspection at a designated place." Article 48 of the Securities Law stipulates that "In addition to announcing the listing application documents stipulated in the preceding article, a listed company shall also announce the following matters: (i) the date on which the shares are approved for trading on the stock exchange; (ii) the list of the top ten shareholders holding the largest number of the company's shares and the amount of their holdings; and (iii) the names of the directors, supervisors, managers and relevant senior executives, and the status of their holdings of the Company's shares and bonds. Company's shares and bonds."