Safety testers are mainly used to test the safety performance of electronic equipment, including shock hazard, electrical strength, grounding resistance, overload protection and other aspects of the test. Safety testers usually use simulated mannequins or other analog circuits to test the safety performance of the equipment under abnormal working conditions to ensure that the equipment will not cause harm to the user during use.
And the voltage withstand tester is mainly used to test the voltage withstand performance of electronic equipment, that is, whether the equipment will be subjected to high-voltage conditions such as electrical breakdown or insulation breakdown. Voltage testers usually use a step-by-step method to test the equipment to determine the insulation performance and voltage withstand level of the equipment.
Therefore, although both safety testers and voltage withstand testers are electronic test equipment, they differ in their testing purposes, methods and applications. In actual use, it is necessary to choose the appropriate instrument according to the specific testing needs.
The above content is for reference only, for more comprehensive and accurate information, you can consult the electronic equipment related professionals. /5bafa40f4bfbfbedec8599e46af0f736aec31f48?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85 2Fformat%2Cf_auto