How to make a business card template with cdr

How to make a business card template using cdr. What are the principles for making business cards with cdr? How can cdr operate all parts of the business card well and quickly? Below I will teach you how to design a business card template with cdr. 1. The main idea of ??making a business card is: use the pen tool to draw a circular figure into a circle, and then use the pen tool to stroke. During the stroke process, the shape should be kept simple and clear, without clutter or confusion. Unsightly. 2. Let’s start making circular copywriting. The following is the setting of the positive space. 3. Let’s start making a business card with a business card background. 4. Select all the pictures, then click the copy above the picture with the mouse, and click on the copy to edit. 5. Then select the rectangle tool, click in the edited copy, click in the property bar, select the object in the pop-up drop-down menu, and select in the pop-up panel. (You can choose copywriting and how to set the size of the object) 6. Finally. Select the image you just saved in editing and click Unzip.