China's Aid for New Crown Vaccine Arrives in Mongolia, Why Do We Have a Deep Bond with Mongolia?

? In my personal opinion, the sudden outbreak caused half of the country to be paralyzed, but fortunately for us, our doctors made the right judgment in time to minimize our losses. In yesterday's year, it can be said that it was a very extraordinary year. It was like life and death for everyone. Of course, many people were infected with the virus, but fortunately, since the outbreak of the epidemic, we have taken decisive quarantine measures to isolate people with symptoms, which can be said to be a smart decision, at least to contain the spread of the virus. In this year, it is still springtime, and people have entered into normal life. A few months ago, our country also developed a vaccine for the new coronavirus, which can be said to have given us a shot in the arm. After the outbreak of the epidemic in China, supplies were very scarce, masks protective clothing and other medical equipment was very lacking, but at that time, basically all the factories were in a paralyzed state, even if the later voluntary resumption of work in the factories are also very difficult to find raw materials for the production of protective equipment, in our consular countries heard of such news, but also emergency relief of our country, Pakistan, Mongolia have given us a great deal of help, exactly It is because Mongolia has helped us, so after we developed the vaccine, we learned that the epidemic situation in Mongolia is still serious, so we also urgently provide the vaccine to Mongolia. As the saying goes, there is a saying called "reciprocity of courtesy", and we can say that this is the case with these countries. When you need help, I can help you urgently, and when you need help, I can also help you. From this thing we also understand, only help others can get the help of others, only your own strong is the real meaning of strong, each of our experience can be like this, in the time with friends, but also pay attention to do the courtesy, only then, our future life can be happy and happy.