What is the definition and categorization of an adverse nursing event?

Adverse event is defined as an unplanned, unanticipated, or usually unwanted event that occurs during the course of clinical diagnosis and care. Or in any factors and events that may affect the outcome of patient care, increase patient suffering and burden and may lead to health care disputes or accidents and affect the normal operation of health care and the safety of health care workers.?

Clinical nursing common adverse events classification:

1, medication events: medication errors, omission of the implementation of the doctor's orders, in the absence of the doctor's orders to give drugs, do not do the skin test to give medication, the implementation of the doctor's orders have been discontinued, violation of contraindications of drug compounding, etc., improper preservation of medicines or lost, other.

2, pressure ulcers: pressure injuries acquired in the hospital .

3, falls, falling bed: falls in the hospital, falling bed .

4, unplanned extubation: endotracheal intubation, gastric tube, nasoenteric nutritional tube, urinary catheter, deep venous catheter, closed chest drain, abdominal drain, ventricular drain, various fistulae, hemodialysis or filtration tubes, biliary drainage, arterial conduits, others.

5, specimen category: specimen collection object error, specimen collection time error, specimen collection after the failure to send for inspection, specimen bar code labeling error, specimen loss, broken, specimen leakage, laboratory test items missed, specimen type error, the wrong department to send for inspection, the choice of the test tube error, other.

6, transfusion, blood transfusion: transfusion object error, transfusion (dosage, dose, type) error, bag damage, liquid or blood products are contaminated, transfusion, transfusion of adverse reactions, drug extravasation, oozing, phlebitis (level II and above), venous pipeline clogging, broken, broken, ectopic, and other .

7. Accidental events: burns (scalds), restraint accidents, self-inflicted injuries, suicide, wandering, biting through the thermometer, accidental aspiration/asphyxiation, occupational exposure (needlestick injuries, sharps injuries), aseptic articles, instruments that do not meet the standards of sterility, medical equipment, instrumentation failures, infusion pumps/micro pumps improperly operated, loss of nursing documents, tubing misconnections, and others.

8. Surgical events: surgical items/instruments left behind in the body, incorrect counting of surgical items/instruments, electric (knife) burns, delayed surgery due to inadequate preoperative preparation, and others.

9, communication category: poor nurse-patient communication resulting in complaints, physical assault, other.

Types of adverse events

1, patient falls during hospitalization, medication errors, wandering, aspiration or choking, burns, and other nursing accidents related to patient safety.

2. Diagnostic or therapeutic errors resulting in serious complications, unnatural death, serious functional impairment, prolonged hospitalization, or increased hospitalization costs and other medical events for the patient.

3. Serious adverse drug reactions or adverse blood transfusion reactions.

4. Damage to patients or medical personnel due to medical devices or medical equipment.

5. Damage to the patient due to the cause of laborers or escorts.

6. Serious nosocomial infection.

7, outpatient emergency, defense, information and other related adverse events.