1, infrared radiation on the body's impact is mainly skin and eyes.
Infrared irradiation of the skin, most of which can be absorbed, only about 1.4% is reflected. When irradiated for a short period of time with high intensity, the local temperature of the skin rises, blood vessels dilate and erythema occurs, which disappears after irradiation is stopped. After repeated irradiation, local pigmentation may appear. After excessive irradiation, especially near-infrared (short-wave infrared), in addition to acute burns of the skin, can also penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue, heating blood and deep tissue.
2, long-term exposure to low-energy infrared, can lead to chronic damage to the eye, common for chronic congestive blepharitis.
Short-wave infrared light can be absorbed by the cornea to produce thermal damage to the cornea, and can pass through the cornea and hurt the iris, and cataracts are mostly seen in the long working age of workers. Cataracts are induced by infrared radiation in the wavelength bands of 0.8?1.2^m and 1.4?1.6pm.
In the early stage, the patient has no complaints except for a gradual decrease in visual acuity. The outer layer of the posterior cortex of the lens may appear clear cloudy areas, vesicles, dots, and lines, which gradually develop into clear and irregular disk cloudiness, and then extend into the cortex in the direction of the axis of the lens, or form plate cloudiness, which ultimately leads to the total cloudiness of the lens.
Expanded information:
Infrared baking lamps to use the following precautions:
1. Do not touch the baking lamp with wet hands or bare feet.
2, do not use the baking lamp in bad weather outdoors.
3. Do not directly irradiate flammable chemicals with infrared light.
4, do not use the paint baking lamp in a flammable and explosive environment, the concentration of chemical solvents in the air must not exceed fifty percent (which is the minimum of the explosion).
5, do not let the eyes for a long time exposed to infrared radiation at a distance of less than one meter.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Infrared Lamp
Baidu Encyclopedia - Infrared