What is industrial wastewater and how to effectively treat secondary wastewater?

The primary treatment plant mainly uses physical methods (such as grating and sedimentation tank) to remove pollutants, and the effluent reaches the primary treatment standard, which has a certain removal effect on insoluble pollutants. At present, domestic first-class factories will gradually change to second-class factories.

On the basis of primary treatment, the secondary treatment plant mainly adopts biological treatment methods (such as activated sludge, anaerobic aerobic, etc. ) removing dissolved pollutants and reaching the standard of secondary treatment is the main form of urban sewage treatment in the world at present.

Tertiary treatment (advanced treatment) is to further improve the effluent quality by chemical or physical methods (such as enhanced coagulation and ultrafiltration) on the basis of secondary treatment. You can search Foshan He Jiang Chemical to solve this problem.