Linear Technology is the brand of which country

Linear Technology is an American branded company,

headquartered in California, USA, it is also a manufacturer of high-performance linear integrated circuits. Founded in 1981, it became a publicly traded company in 1986. Its main products include: battery chargers, data converters, performance amplifiers, comparators, voltage references, monolithic filters, linear regulators, DC/DC converters, communication interface circuits, RF signal modification circuits, and many other analog functions.

Linear's high-performance circuits are used in telecommunications, cellular telephony, networking equipment such as fiber-optic switches, notebook and desktop computers, computer peripherals, video/multimedia devices, high-end consumer products including digital cameras, MP3 players, industrial instrumentation, security monitoring equipment, complex medical devices, automotive electronics, factory automation, process control, military and aerospace systems, and more.

Linear Technology has a global presence with manufacturing and testing facilities in California, Washington, Singapore, Malaysia, and design facilities in California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Colorado and Singapore.