Sichuan Changning County, Fu Rong bamboo shoots food factory occurred suspected harmful gas poisoning, resulting in 7 poisoning deaths, according to preliminary investigations, the Department of toxic and hazardous gases caused by poisoning accidents, the condition of the lightly injured patients have been stabilized, the victims of the deceased aftermath of the work is also being carried out in an orderly manner.
May 24, Changning County, Fu Rong bamboo shoots food plant maintenance open sewage treatment system, resulting in the overflow of toxic and hazardous gases in the sewage, resulting in the work of two staff poisoning, followed by three workers in the food factory, the factory around the three residents were also poisoned in succession, the accident a **** caused by eight people were poisoned, of which one person was slightly injured, seven people died of treatment.
Local people familiar with the matter revealed that the place where the poisonous gas is produced is the sewage precipitation pool of this bamboo shoots food factory,one of the workers to open the lid to clean up the precipitation pool, the result of inhaling a large amount of poisonous gases, on the spot on the spot was smoked out and fell into the precipitation pool, the other workers and the nearby residents found that they went to the precipitation pool to save the people, and the result is that one after another was poisonous and noxious gases smoked to, resulting in Many people died and one was injured.
The sewage settling tank is under the factory, and the wastewater and sewage generated during the food production process will enter the settling tank for treatment. The settling tanks contain a variety of chemicals. The reason for the poisoning may be that the lid of the settling tank has not been opened for years and toxic gases are produced inside.
This food factory was established in 2010, when the registered capital of 500,000, the food factory's business scope includes a variety of vegetable products processing, sales and sales of prepackaged food sales, etc., this factory in the local should belong to small and medium-sized enterprises. Legal representative Zhang Shouhong, usually manage the food factory is Zhang Shouhong's father, Zhang Shouhong's younger brother is also working in the food factory, the death of the personnel in its younger brother, when the younger brother Zhang Shousong is to rescue the unfortunate death.
After the accident, the city and county ecological and environmental departments of the food factory around the deployment of five ambient air monitoring points, has carried out three tests on the food factory, the results of the test surface, the air around the food factory in the presence of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia are lower than the pollutant emission standards.