Does the height of the sphygmomanometer have an effect on the measurement?

The blood pressure of the human body is the pressure of the body's blood flow on the walls of blood vessels, divided into systolic and diastolic pressure. The height of the blood pressure value is mainly affected by the blood flow. The blood circulation in each part of the human body is affected by many factors, among which the height is also an influencing factor. There is definitely a difference between the blood pressure values measured at the arm and the ankle in a standing position. Therefore, I suggest that when using a sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure, it is best to keep the arm band at the same height as the position of the heart, independent of the position of the sphygmomanometer body, and put it in place. At present, most families are using electronic blood pressure monitors, simple and convenient, my family is using the Hasford electronic blood pressure monitor, Shenzhen out, not bad.