Lingang Zhizao - Xiangzhang Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Lingang ZhiZhuang-XiangZhang Park is located in Fengxian District, Shanghai, Shanghai (Shanghai Fengxian District Harbor Comprehensive Economic Development Zone, Fengxian Industrial Park, two Hong Kong Avenue, No. 19, Zhenlang Road), covers an area of about 88 acres, as of now there are 87 enterprises in the park ****, including the Shanghai Lin Pu Supply Chain Management Company Limited, Kang Platinum Medical Devices (Shanghai) Company Limited, Shanghai Lin Yuan Asset Management Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Lingyuan Asset Management Co.

18.4% of the enterprises in Lingang Zhi-Zhang Park are in the wholesale industry and 12.6% are in the business service industry. Among them, enterprises with a registered capital of over 10 million dollars include Shanghai Linpu Supply Chain Management Co.

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