What is a plasma cleaner?

What do people think a plasma cleaner is? Some people say that a plasma cleaner is a tool, is there any truth in this statement? Next, Jin Lei will explain it to you.

Plasma cleaners can treat most materials for different purposes, including but not limited to making the surface of the material cleaner, easier to bond, improve print quality and so on. Where exactly does a plasma cleaner fall into this category? Does it make sense to you that it's a tool?

Most plasma cleaners are designed to generate a strong electromagnetic field around the electrodes or in the vacuum cavity through the action of external energy under atmospheric pressure or low pressure, accelerating or colliding the outer electrons of the atoms in the gas to form a plasma aggregation that equalizes the total charge of free electrons, ions, photons, and so on, and achieves a variety of process purposes through the electrochemical properties of the plasma.

The plasma cleaner called "tools", think probably refers to the atmospheric atmospheric pressure jet plasma cleaner and small vacuum plasma cleaner, the former because of its simple structure, easy to operate, can be combined with the production line, has been widely used in many areas, using it like a wrench, electric pen, Vise and other "tools" as convenient; the latter is mainly used for scientific research or institutional units of experimental use, the volume is relatively small, to meet the requirements of experimental use, some of the large vacuum plasma cleaner is also used for enterprise product production. Therefore, the combination of the two, the plasma cleaner called "tools" is a certain reason.