How to solve the phenomenon of sludge expansion in aerobic tank?

Sludge expansion occurs in aerobic tank, the best way is to use sewage purification and treatment equipment "microbial generator", that is, to completely solve the problem.

The microbial generator is mainly based on biological purification and hydrodynamic principles, the use of microorganisms in the process of life activities in the wastewater soluble organic matter and part of the insoluble organic matter effectively removed, advanced technology, stable performance, safe to use, especially suitable for a variety of wastewater (sewage) treatment and micro-pollution treatment has the following advantages:

First, the equipment adopts a three-stage occurrence, alternate operation, level by level derivatives, logarithmic

First, the equipment adopts three-stage generation, alternating operation, level by level derivatives, logarithmic growth technology, resulting in the generator to produce microbial density up to 1.8 × 1020CFU/ml, high-density microorganisms released into the biochemical tank, the pool of biomass rapidly increased to more than 2.0 × 104mg/L, the pollutants in the sewage can be completely decomposed into CO2 and H2O, so as to make the sewage is purified.

Second, the equipment for the more ideal sewage biological treatment equipment, according to different types, different nature, different environmental needs of sewage treatment, generate different populations, different genera, different temperatures, different sewage treatment needs of microorganisms, especially suitable for urban sewage, rural sewage, medical sewage, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry wastewater, high-salt wastewater, high ammonia wastewater, toxic It is especially suitable for the treatment of urban sewage, rural sewage, medical sewage, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry wastewater, high salt wastewater, high ammonia nitrogen wastewater, toxic wastewater, harmful wastewater, heavy metal wastewater, waste leachate and other wastewater.

The equipment can also be directly with the contact oxidation method, AB method, A/O method, oxidation ditch, SBR and other old wastewater treatment works, in neither change the wastewater treatment process, nor change the conditions of civil engineering, to realize the upgrading and expansion of wastewater treatment, sludge reduction, denitrification and removal of phosphorus, water reuse and other purposes. The equipment can also be used in landscape, river, lake, river, saltwater lake, bay, land and other fields to remove micro-pollution and protect the public **** environment.

Third, the microbial generator produces a high density of advantageous microbial flora, can quickly eat off the pollutants and sludge in the sewage, and does not produce odor, without sludge dewatering machine, sludge conveyor, sludge cake outgoing car, exhaust gas treatment equipment and high-power blower aeration equipment, and the traditional method of comparing the energy consumption of the activated sludge method of 1/8, the investment in equipment can be saved by seventy percent, but also in the Shallow pool operation, thereby reducing the size of the sewage treatment tank, shallow depth, greatly reducing the cost of an investment and long-term management costs.

Fourth, the equipment produces a high density of microbial flora through the jet stream into the treatment pool, can quickly reduce biological oxygen consumption in sewage (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and suspended solids (TSS), and has a strong function of denitrification and removal of phosphorus, but also in a very short period of time so that the five types of water into three or more, 7 days to eliminate the sewage odor, 10 days to eat the sewage in the About 50% of the sludge in the sewage in 10 days, degradation of 20% of the BOD every day, 10-15 days to achieve discharge or reuse of water.

Using this equipment to treat sewage without the worry of sludge expansion, but also not subject to the age limit of the operator's education, easy to manage, safe and reliable.

Fifth, with the increasing incidence of high-density microbial flora, biological oxygen consumption (BOD) in the sewage is also less and less, a large number of microorganisms due to the lack of BOD and the loss of energy to survive self-extinction into carbon dioxide and water, not self-extinguishing microorganisms can also become the bait for fish and zooplankton, which will form a benign ecological process of treatment and purification, there is no odor, does not produce sludge, no secondary pollution, to create a green environment. The second pollution, to create a green environment.

Six, the use of traditional biochemical method of sewage treatment, affected by the climate and water temperature changes, when the temperature decreases every 10 degrees, the microbial enzymatic reaction rate is reduced by 1-2 times, the climate leads to microbial activity is insufficient, resulting in poor sewage treatment, not only threatened by the northern sewage treatment plants, for the southern winter sewage treatment plant is also a severe Jun test, Guizhou Great Wall Environmental Protection Science and Technology Co. Ltd. production of patented products biological generator completely solve this problem, the generator produces a high concentration of microbial flora released into the aeration pool, its biomass signaling rate of 2.0 × 104mg / L or more, so that the biological concentration of the aeration pool than the activated sludge to increase by 10 times, to fill the water temperature due to low biomass caused by low water temperatures, the sewage treatment effect of the poor technical problems.

Seven, the traditional biochemical treatment of high concentration, high ammonia nitrogen, high salt, toxic, heavy metal wastewater, due to the microorganisms in these wastewater is less viable, the number of small, resulting in poor quality of effluent after sewage treatment, the effect is unstable, and difficult to meet the discharge standards. Microbial generator in a unique way to completely solve this problem, the generator can produce 1.8 × 1020CFU / ml above the high concentration of microbial flora constantly sent to the aeration tank, compared with other sewage treatment to improve the biomass of more than 10 times, the powerful microbial flora to accelerate the degradation of sewage pollutants in the degradation and digestion, while aeration and oxygen supply significantly accelerates the pollutants are broken down into CO2 and H2O, nitrate, sulfate become nutrients for microbial growth, so that the microorganisms and further derivation, even by the cold, low temperature, shock load, and high concentration, high ammonia nitrogen, high salt, toxicity, heavy metal inhibition, but also can not stop the group of microorganisms competing for the front and back of the microorganisms, the formation of a strong lineup of wastewater treatment, and then the degradation and digestion of wastewater pollutants, and eventually Realize the wastewater discharge or water reuse.

Eight, the traditional river management is inseparable from the locks and dams, water breaks, dredging and other treatment processes, the project cost, long duration, large amount of silt. Biological generator installed directly in the landscape, river, lake, river, saltwater lake, bay, land and other sources of micro-pollution upstream, from the source to cut off and block the source of pollution, and through the role of microbial degradation of pollution, eating sludge, removal of smell, phosphorus denitrification and other effects of complete treatment, for micro-pollution treatment provides a reliable device. Its technical advantages are as follows:

1, rapid degradation of BOD5, CODcr, TSS, so that the sewage is purified;

2, to improve the total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) removal effect and removal capacity;

3, the treatment efficiency can be increased up to 50% or so, and the influent load increased by 40% or so;

4, rapid response to aeration basin Possible emergency failure of the aeration tank;

5, to improve the biochemical efficiency of difficult-to-decompose pollutants;

6, an effective solution to the increase in the amount of sewage or load increase, without the site of the reconstruction and expansion of the problem;

7, effective solution to the abnormal proliferation of filamentous bacteria caused by the expansion of the sludge;

8, in the treatment of sewage at the same time as the amount of sludge to achieve the effect of not having to desludge sludge;

8, in the treatment of sewage at the same time as the sludge, to achieve no dredging.

9, only a few days to dissolve the taste of sewage, remove the bad smell of sewage;

10, the use of nature or domestic and international selection of the advantages of harmless strains of bacteria, without the worry of secondary pollution;

11, pollution purification, microorganisms due to the loss of energy to survive and self-extinguishing into CO2 and H2O;

1, unextinguished microorganisms can also be a source of energy to become CO2 and H2O;

2, the microorganisms can also become a source of energy to survive and to become CO2 and H2O.

2, upgrading the old sewage treatment works, compared with other sewage treatment methods to save 70% of the investment;

3, compared with other biochemical treatment methods, to save 80% of the electricity;

4, microbial concentration of up to 1.8 × 1020CFU / ml above the high concentration of microorganisms, greatly improving the efficiency of treatment, reduce the number of microorganisms. Greatly improve the treatment efficiency, reduce the aeration tank volume, saving 40% of the project investment;

5. Solve the technical problems due to climate change, lower water temperature and lead to a reduction in the number of microorganisms, which in turn affects the effect of sewage treatment;

6. Microbial armies of the former and the latter, the concerted action, and effectively solved the problem of high-salt, high-concentration, poisonous, hazardous, chemical, heavy metal, waste Infiltration of liquid, etc. inhibit the growth of microorganisms, microorganisms are difficult to survive the technical difficulties;

7, in the conditions of the old sewage treatment works without changing the civil construction of the upgrading or expansion of the project;

8, in the premise of sewage treatment process is not changed, effective removal of phosphorus and nitrogen in the sewage, and improve the quality of treated sewage effluent, to achieve the effect of discharge or water reuse standards;

9, directly used in rivers, lakes and other sources of micro-pollution upstream, directly plug the source of pollution, in an effective solution to the micro-pollution at the same time, to achieve mud-free discharge, completely revolutionized the traditional river management can not be separated from the locks and dams, water breaks, desilting way, for the management of micro-pollution to provide the ideal equipment;

10, easy to install, flexible application, easy to operate, only one person and tube, you can complete the task. task;

11, flexible layout, small footprint, high degree of automation, simple operation and management, low operating costs.