Zhangchang village belongs to where

Zhangchang Village is located in the northeastern part of Chenhe Township, the county on the west bank of the river, with a land area of 1.26 square kilometers, there are 10 villagers groups, with a total population of 1,460, there are 18 members of the party, village cadres 4 people.

Economic development: Zhangchang village leading industry for agriculture, land contracting, water contracting for collective economic development focus.

Social undertakings: in recent years, Zhangchang Village, closely around the "production development, living well, civilized, clean, democratic management" of the overall goal, focusing on the villagers to do three practical things. First, the investment of 40,000 yuan for the villagers of the new two drought station, maintenance and hardening of an old drought station; second is an investment of 80,000 yuan for the villagers of the construction of the two main village roads, and road surface sand petrochemicals, in order to solve the problem of the villagers difficult to travel; third is the implementation of the party's series of policies to benefit the rural areas, the "three complementary" funds to the hands of the grain growers. In 2009, the village activity room was reconstructed using the elementary school and equipped with remote education equipment. At present, telephone, cable, broadband, etc. has been connected to the village, residents to participate in cooperative medical care rate of 100%.

In 2010, the town was recognized as an advanced village in family planning work.

Source of information: Organization Department of Hubei Provincial Party Committee

Zhangchang Village is near such tourist attractions as Yingcheng Tangchi Hot Springs, Yingcheng Park, Shouning Zen Temple on Burning Incense Terrace, Yingcheng Confucius Temple, and Longsai Lake, and such specialties as filial piety sesame candies, filial piety rice wine, Yingcheng glutinous rice, Baihu lotus root, and water chestnut in Chenling.