Deqing - Leidian Science and Technology Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Deqing-Ledian Science and Technology Park is located in Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province (No. 866, Baiyun South Road, Ledian Town, Deqing County, Huzhou City, covering an area of about 81 acres, as of now there are 86 enterprises in the park ****, including Huzhou Dinghong Park Construction and Development Company Limited, Deqing Lefeng New Materials Company Limited, Deqing Lei Zhi Laser Equipment Company Limited and so on.

Deqing-Leidian Science and Technology Park in the enterprise has 12.8% distribution in the software and information technology services, 11.6% distribution in the wholesale industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of over 10 million dollars include Huzhou Dinghong Park Construction and Development Co., Ltd, Deqing Leifeng New Material Co., Ltd, Deqing Leizhi Laser Equipment Co.

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