(1) Treatment of invalid challenges that are not lawful and compliant The purchaser and the procurement agency shall recognize the challenge that does not comply with Article 52 of the Government Procurement Law and Article 55 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Government Procurement Law as a challenge that is not lawful and compliant, and shall notify in writing that the challenge is invalid, and that it is unable to respond to it in accordance with the law. (2) The content of the challenge letter does not fully comply with the regulations, the lack of certain content If the challenge is a valid challenge of legal compliance, only because the challenge letter does lack certain content, as long as it does not lead to the purchaser, the procurement agency can not reply to the investigation and processing in accordance with the law, according to the facts of the investigation and processing, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Decree No. 94 to reply. Lack of the following contents of the letter of challenge will lead to the purchaser, the procurement agency can not reply: challenge the lack of the name of the supplier or false (anonymous or non-real name challenge); contact person and contact information is missing or false; no questioning matters can not be known to challenge the content; commissioned by the agent did not submit a written power of attorney can not be determined as an authorized representative; no signature without a seal, etc.. (3) the purchaser is not within the scope of delegated authority to authorize the purchasing agent to respond to the challenge, the purchasing agent shall inform the supplier of the challenge in writing to the purchaser to challenge, the purchasing agent is not authorized to respond.
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