Is drinking cold mineral water in winter harmful to the body?

Drinking cold mineral water in winter is harmful to the body.

Drinking ice water in cold weather can lead to instant cardiovascular contraction, which is already very narrow blood vessels suddenly no blood flow through, which is easy to trigger myocardial infarction, resulting in myocardial ischemia and thus a large number of cardiomyocyte deaths.

The cause of heart attack is mainly atherosclerosis, and atherosclerosis originates from the attachment of lipids in the blood, drinking ice water will not lead to the occurrence of heart attack from the cause, but to play the role of the fuse.

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Winter maintenance food

1, grapefruit. Pomelo is rich in nutrients, containing sugars, organic acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, P and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and other nutrients. Pomelo also contains physiological live material glucoside and insulin-like, grapefruit meat containing vitamin C is very rich, so grapefruit meat can lower blood lipids, reduce blood viscosity, reduce thrombosis, prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease and other effects.

2, orange. Oranges are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., have to reduce cholesterol absorption, blood fat, anti-atherosclerosis effect.

3, orange. Oranges in vitamin C, carotene content is high, can soften and protect blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and blood lipids; orange pectin can help the body as soon as possible to excrete waste, lipids and cholesterol, and reduce the absorption of exogenous cholesterol, detoxification at the same time you can also reduce blood lipids.

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