Call for cases of marketing innovation practice in the past two years

1. Top Ten Marketing Innovation Cases in 2002:

This article is based on the author's research findings from about 300 marketing campaigns of consumer goods service brands tracked and studied in 2002. The author has worked as a planner for consumer service brands. This ranking attempts to exclude the influence of companies and products from the planner's position and focuses only on the degree of marketing innovation and marketing effectiveness.

Through this article, the authors hope to introduce readers to the most recent cases of marketing innovation in the consumer goods and services sectors in the past year, and try to commend the enterprising spirit of planners who are rooted in China's market conditions and insist on innovation and change in the field of marketing; at the same time, they also try to use the rankings to tell entrepreneurs that there is still a great deal of opportunity for innovation in the Chinese marketplace in terms of both products and services. China is not a "surplus economy", the so-called "surplus" is just a lack of innovation and low-level homogenization of competition.

The author's criteria for selecting marketing cases are as follows:

1. Focus only on the degree of marketing innovation, not on the influence of the company and its products. As long as the marketing planning, marketing and other performance impressive innovation, can be selected;

2. Product innovation. The selected products must show some degree of innovation in the development of product concepts;

3. Marketing effect. All selected products must have good benefits - either by helping to increase sales quickly, or by realizing profits in the short term;

4. Incentive effect. Those that map the vast opportunities that exist in the Chinese market and inspire entrepreneurs to explore and innovate.

i. Hero: The Brilliant Record of a Bad Movie

The most successful box office hit ever in the Chinese movie market has all the hallmarks of a bad action movie -- a weak storyline, distorted action design, pretentious lines -- but this bad movie, which hit over 200 million yuan in 20 days of its release and the Harry Burt, which took the world by storm this year, generated only 63 million yuan at the box office in China.

What made Hero successful was not the brilliance of the movie, but the innovation of marketing planning and promotion. Heroes formed a strong star-studded cast, and as early as the beginning of 2001, New Pictures began to capitalize on the team's star power by continuing to make news. With the support of the media, these "press ads" continued at a high intensity for two years, finally causing a large number of Chinese to walk into theaters to see one of the most successfully marketed movies in China's history - and perhaps one of the worst action movies ever made. These people include the author, who almost never goes to the movies.

Hero tops this year's list of the top 10 marketing innovations for its admirable patience, silky marketing plan, and 2-year-long press campaign. Hero will go down in Chinese movie history as a marketing innovation, but future moviegoers are bound to forget all about it.

Hero was selected in recognition of distributor New Pictures' groundbreaking contribution to movie marketing.

Comment: The unprecedented success of Hero will advance film marketing strategy and marketing organization to an unprecedented degree. After Hero, Chinese movies will be more and more inclined to big productions, to say goodbye to art movies, and to get closer to Hollywood.

II. Court, that is, lost the lawsuit, but also lost the market.

Starting in 2001, Lippo Beer began its own struggle, Lippo created the advertising song "Reasons to Love Shanghai" soon became popular in Shanghai, under the impetus of the advertising song, Lippo's sales quickly rebounded.

In June 2002, Asia Pacific Brewing Company took over Lippo, and successfully launched the Super Refreshing Beer and changed the product bottles; Lippo also took advantage of the Korea-Japan World Cup and allied with many restaurants to promote the marketing campaign of watching soccer and drinking Lippo. After the World Cup, Lippo continued to alliance with restaurant terminals, launching the "thousands of good food, good drink has a" advertising campaign to guide consumers to change consumer behavior.

Lippo Beer was selected because of its clever use of local awareness, its innovative and continuous promotional campaigns, and the effectiveness of these campaigns in changing consumer behavior, boosting sales, and increasing brand reputation.

Comment: Lippo's success reflects the important role of local plot in the consumption of beer, cigarettes and other products, although there have been many beers that exist as local brands, but very few beers take the initiative to play the local label; Lippo's success provides the best case for how to skillfully utilize the local sentiment for beer, cigarettes and other products. The strategy of joint promotion of Lippo and restaurant terminals, on the other hand, reflects the rising status of terminals in the marketing war.

Three. Oxygen Lidl: heart and brain care, or Oxygen Lidl

The chess saint Nie Weiping was playing Go, suddenly frowned, after inhaling a few mouthfuls of Oxygen Lidl, he began to continue to start playing chess - the Chinese chess saint is a fragile man, his heart is not good, there have been a number of times in the critical Go tournament due to lack of stamina and failed miserably. Now he has a good solution. OxyLite protects the heart and brain, provides oxygen, and solves the problem of physical exhaustion.

Nie Weiping, the saint of chess, is probably the best spokesperson for Oxygenate in China. The success of OxyContin is not only choosing the right spokesman, but also copying the experience of health care products planning, according to the situation of the target consumer group and the consumption psychology of Chinese consumers, designing a persuasive TV commercial. Oxygen Lide also introduced TV shopping for strong sales, and achieved great success.

The perfect combination of image spokesperson and product efficacy, creative borrowing of health product promotion methods, and successful media combination are the reasons for Oxygen Lide's success and why it was selected.

Did the chess saint improve his chess performance after using OxyLead? No. Successful marketing is not because of the quality of the product. To protect the heart and brain, it is better to take medicine and see a doctor.

Comment: As an emergency device for oxygen supply, "Oxygen Lide" has skillfully molded itself into a product for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, and it has adopted a strong marketing approach to TV shopping and health care persuasive skills, which is the success of it. In the future, there will still be three types of medical devices to follow this routine.

Four. Lihua fast food: good rice and good food to send up

"Red sorghum" challenge McDonald's ambitions, is a very distant memory. But now, China has its own large-scale fast food sales company - Lihua Fast Food.

Instead of choosing a Chinese fast food chain, Lihua chose to work in the relatively less competitive fast food market. Lihua's success has changed people's preconceptions about the work fast food market workshop-style operation, low price, low profit, and can not be standardized.

Lihua to achieve standardized procedures, fast supply, the first in China to use computer wiring transmission system and radio intercom system and other means, but also the introduction of the Chinese paging system, the earliest use of the computer network to place an order for one of China's fast-food companies; Lihua also boldly allow customers to use the cell phone text message ordering. White-collar workers as the main target consumer groups, Lihua, the use of high-tech means to achieve the standardization of ordering, it "a copy can be sent, a thousand copies can be sent" commitment to the service industry to pander to the big customers, ignoring the interests of small customers of the reaction.

Because of the scale effect, Lihua was also the first in the working fast food market to use mass media - TV ads and print ads - to communicate with its target consumer groups. Lihua was selected to recognize the innovative and enterprising spirit of this business in the marketing of services, as well as its respect for small customers.

Comment: The way Lihua Fast Food has made a national brand out of a micro-margin, highly regional product is not to be admired. Lihua's marketing innovation should cause many service companies to reflect - if even work fast food can achieve big business, the service industry seems to really have a lot of opportunities.

Five: Bright wheat wind: fresh milk + natural fiber

2002 Bright milk in addition to vigorously promote the "non-anti-milk" industry standards, but also in the product innovation achievements.

Bright milk this year to promote the wheat wind, people were impressed. This product between soy milk and milk, is not the first bright. A soy milk factory in Shanghai took the lead this year to innovate and promote a new kind of soy milk - barley milk. The flavor of barley is added to soy milk. But for various reasons, this product has not been successful.

Soon after Bright launched its own Wheat Breeze. The health food Meiduo dietary fiber, which was launched in Shanghai this year, also helped to complete part of the market education work. Maybe Bright Milk "stole" the results of others, but among these products, only Bright Mafeng by barley and dietary fiber to make money.

Bright milk was selected in recognition of its ability to develop innovative products, as well as its innovative marketing communications - bright milk high-calcium milk, but also uncharacteristically invested in the Shanghai newspaper media soft ads to publicize bright high-calcium milk calcium role, trying to and calcium health care products *** with the sharing of calcium market.

Comment: Bright milk's ability to respond quickly, respect for competitors, adhere to the attitude of product innovation, is undoubtedly this it became a leading enterprise magic weapon. The success of the Bright McBreeze also proves that today's marketing, the need for more research, both consumer research, but also to study competitors, but also to live within their means.

Six: Yadu humidifier: give the skin some water

"The skin's muscle fibers are composed of a large number of water-soluble collagen, the loss of water will lead to contraction and deformation of the muscle fibers, and even the formation of irrecoverable wrinkles, the use of air conditioning or electric heater room air is especially so".

Don't think of this as an ad for Jasher moisturizer, it's an ad for a consumer appliance, the Yaddo humidifier. Although it wrote "collagen" instead of "collagen", and although there are never any "muscle fibers" in the skin; this advertisement, which looks like a cosmetic, has achieved good sales.

The advertisement looks like a cosmetic, but it has achieved good sales results.

For the winter application of air conditioning, electric heating, indoor air dry situation, Yadu claimed: "Yadu ultrasonic humidifier using 1.7 million times per second high-frequency oscillation ...... scientific and effective increase in air humidity, the initiative for your skin hydration, in line with the health of you and your family! ".

Yadu was selected because of its keen observation of the market timely emergence, in the marketing communication of the outstanding innovative talent. Selling home appliances as cosmetics, Yadu is likely to be the first. Yadu channel strategy, also similar to cosmetics, it did not enter the appliance supermarkets, but mainly in department stores sales.

Comment: Selling home appliances as cosmetics sounds unthinkable, but it worked. Marketers need to dare to imagine - think about whether you can sell health products as food instead of medicine, and whether you can sell home appliances as cosmetics instead of appliances. The Yadu humidifier is also evidence of an increasingly clear trend in consumer electronics - from TVs to cell phones to air conditioners to dishwashers - that now needs to be "healthified".

Seven: Goldfish: "1:1:1"

Goldfish's tagline "1:1:1" was once considered by some shallow advertisers to be one of the year's biggest flops. But like the saying, "Don't accept gifts this year, accept only Platinum Brain", it is a successful marketing case.

Golden Dragonfish's second-generation blended oil is mainly a response to Luhua's peanut oil attack. It takes the concept of health, which is the main focus of Luhua, a big step forward. Golden Dragonfish believes that the human diet is most beneficial to health when the ratio of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids reaches 1:1:1. Although some advertisers believe that this concept is difficult for ordinary consumers to understand and its scientific validity is doubtful. However, by promoting "1:1:1", Golden Dragon Fish has greatly reduced the pressure on "Luhua".

The success of the Dragonfish reflects the growing importance of the "health" brand in the promotion of consumer products. It also shows that there are still plenty of opportunities in the Chinese market in the midst of fierce competition for homogenization, but it just requires better concepts and upgraded product promotion skills.

Golden Dragon Fish was selected for its ability to respond quickly to market challenges and for being the first in the food oil market to reason with consumers and communicate in depth about the "health" benefits of its products - from now on, health products are not the only ones that communicate with consumers. From now on, health products are not the only ones that reason with consumers.

Comment: Dragonfish's approach to promoting its own health concepts is very new in ordinary food; but it is a cliché in health products. The nutraceutical industry has tried almost every method of persuading consumers to the point where it is now almost impossible to persuade them. However, there is still plenty of room for the health food industry's promotional methods to be applied in many traditional industries such as food, beverages, and apparel. Healthy cooking oil, fresh fruit juice, high-calcium milk, iron-containing soy sauce, nutrient-fortified flour ...... health concepts are becoming increasingly important in fast-moving consumer goods, which will provide many traditional products with opportunities for product innovation. Shanghai has appeared soy protein underwear, and in the future perhaps we have to wear formaldehyde-free, non-dyed natural colored cotton underwear.

Eight: liver rejuvenation: the people's liver products

Chinese people liver is not good, hepatitis B virus carriers as high as the total population of about 10%, analyzed from the figures alone, the liver health care products market has great potential. But in fact, the liver health care market has always been the reserve of drugs. In the limited capacity of the liver health care market, many products compete fiercely. 2002 September in Shanghai listed liver Fuchun but in the winter of health care products, created a miracle.

In order to stand out from the fierce liver health care market, Liver Fuchun introduced the sharp marketing theory for the first time. While the average daily price of professional liver health products is over 10 RMB, Liver Fuchun positioned itself as the liver care product for the common people and lowered the price of liver health products to about 7 RMB for the first time.

Liver Fuchun's product concept is very different from competing products, which greatly reduces the cost of communication; in order to attract consumers to buy, Liver Fuchun in the process of listing, the gift regularization, and as a major way of communication with consumers. It takes "long-term gift trial, trial drive consumption" as its guiding strategy. Its small advertisements, in addition to publicizing their own civilian nature, product efficacy, limited advertisements are mostly used to persuade consumers to go to the terminal to get free supplies.

Liver Fuchun only used 100,000 yuan of advertising costs, two months on the market to realize profits. Three competing products had already dropped out of the market after the launch of Liver Fuchun. Although Liver Fuchun did not expand the market, it drove out competitors with the lowest cost. Liver Fuchun was selected in recognition of its innovative marketing strategy, offensive promotional tactics and good sales results.

Comment: Liver Fuchun's extreme marketing approach proves that the competition in the healthcare industry is far more intense than in other industries; and the emergence of such extreme marketing methods proves that the healthcare industry has come to a point where it needs to be completely reshuffled. If health products are still sold as medicines, they can only be so extreme.

9: Suer mini acne mask: effective against newborn acne

"Small acne" is gone! But this time it's not little nurses.

Cosmetic industry with beautiful avatars to publicize the product of the evil wind has a long history, many multinational cosmetic companies adhere to the communication strategy, so that many local cosmetic companies, local advertising companies poisoned, tasted all the pain - the use of this strategy of the local cosmetic companies, either already dead, or are walking on the road to The road to death.

Following the cosmetic species of the eye film can take the lead in health care marketing methods, rapid growth of eye care cosmetics for the first brand. 2002 in Shanghai, the listing of the Suer mini acne film, the same innovation in their own marketing and promotion methods. Suer design of print ads, the success of the product efficacy and fashion into one, it created the Suer cartoon image, has been deep into the hearts of girls in Shanghai love cartoons, the pursuit of fashion; Suer in the beginning of the market, the successful use of girls idol F4 to promote product sales; in creating a fashionable atmosphere at the same time, it never forgets to talk about their efficacy, "Effective! The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the pimples, and then you need to get rid of them, and then you need to get rid of them.

Launched in November 2002, it became a well-known brand within two months. Its low-density, low-cost, fast-acting advertising inherited the sharp marketing ideas of Coca-Cola. Suer was selected in recognition of its strong marketing innovation and accurate knowledge of its own strengths and the Chinese market; and also because it has inherited the essence of healthcare marketing and avoided the drawbacks of healthcare promotion methods that fail to accumulate brand value.

Comment: Su'er is a continuation of the Coca-Cola idea. The success of Su'er lies in the skillful integration of functionality and fashion, and what is more admirable is that Su'er started the market quickly in a gentle and low-cost way. The success of Kecai and Su'er is a mockery of those local cosmetic companies that are not willing to use their brains.

Ten: Growing Up Happy: Vitamins Designed for Chinese Children

The health care industry, which has led the way in marketing innovation for China's consumer goods since 2000, is in trouble and hasn't been able to produce an impressive success story. In the past three years, perhaps only three nationally promoted new products have fared reasonably well -- Rehabilitation Lai's Blooder, Taiji Group's Sleeping Treasure, and Yangshengtang's Growing Happiness. But the blood of the terminal advantage of rehabilitation to; sleep treasure is to take advantage of the transformation of the brain platinum gifts, mature sleep market appears temporarily blank special market situation; only the growth of happy, through and multinational brands JinShiErKang, good survival, such as head-to-head, won their own market; 3 years, national promotion of health care, only the growth of happy is still worth writing on a stroke.

Growing Up Happy, launched in the second half of 2001, was developed based on the results of China's third national nutrition survey, and is a children's vitamin-mineral supplement designed according to the nutritional status of Chinese children. In the U.S. market, multivitamin and mineral products account for half of the sales of health care products, which can be regarded as a strategic product category in the health food market.

In addition to the multinational pharmaceutical companies Schweppes and Suzhou Lida, there are many underground "imported vitamins" on the Chinese market. The company's national flag has been hoisted by Yangshengtang and Shanghai Jiante, leading many national enterprises to launch a counter-attack on foreign vitamins. Among the many products, the only one that has achieved significant success so far is Grow Happy. The reason is that the positioning of Grow Happy is accurate and focused, the creative performance is intuitive, and the concept is simple and practical. But more importantly, in this war, the truth and the local enterprises on the side.

The selection of Growing Up Happy by Yangzhengtang is a tribute to its contribution to the growth of the local vitamin market, as well as to its keen market sense and strong marketing ability, as demonstrated by its ability to successfully operate a new product in the midst of the health food winter.

Comment: Yangshengtang is probably the strongest planner among local Chinese companies. Growing Happy's rapid rise in the health care winter is impressive. The success of nutraceuticals such as Growing Up Happy proves that today's nutraceutical marketing is, in fact, a war against competitors and is no longer designed to fulfill consumers' needs. So advertising bombardment is no longer useful, and more practice needs to be spent on researching competitors, more attention needs to be paid to the cost-effectiveness of advertising, and more emphasis needs to be placed on differentiation.


2. Innovation Case of the Year: Pepsi Lets College Students Break Through Their Cravings

In mid-November, the "2005 Pepsi" campaign, which swept through nearly 100 colleges and universities in Beijing and Hebei, was launched. In mid-November, the "2005 Pepsi Rising Star Competition", which had swept through nearly 100 colleges and universities in the Beijing/Hebei area, came to a successful conclusion. During the three-month competition, Pepsi's publicity reached nearly one million students in 97 colleges and universities in the Beijing/Hebei area, and more than 13,000 contestants signed up to participate in the competition.

Pepsi has invested heavily in campus marketing every year, from the 5-a-side soccer tournament to the Pepsi Rising Stars competition. In the protracted struggle between Pepsi and Coca-Cola, the most successful point of Pepsi is its distinctive market positioning, i.e., abandoning the strategy of "comprehensive coverage" regardless of gender, age and sex, and choosing to start from young people, trying to establish its "young, lively, and contemporary" image. "

Beijing Pepsi market is one of the most important positions for young people.

Shi Ke, marketing manager of Beijing Pepsi Co., Ltd, said: "Pepsi attaches importance to campus marketing because young people are the main body of the Pepsi brand, and the campus is the main gathering place for young people. For example, the real purpose of the 'Pepsi Rising Star Competition' is not to select the two final winners to attend a music training camp in Hong Kong and receive formal training from Sony Music, and it's not a talent show for these two, but rather a grassroots party for young people to experience the blue dream. Pepsi is to provide a blue stage for young people."

How to bring more brand experience to college students and provide a stage for young people to break through the blue desire and experience the blue dream is the important goal of the project team of "2005 Pepsi Rising Star Competition", for this reason, the competition has specially planned a very creative communication and marketing activities, as well as a very detailed implementation plan to realize the above goals. The first step was to create a new campaign that would be a success story.

First of all, with the cooperation of relevant departments and student unions and associations in each school, we integrated a variety of campus publicity means, including school magazines and newspapers, broadcasting stations, BBS, campus networks, high-density poster posting, targeted DM delivery, and the search for campus singers, and mobilized 10,000 college volunteers from 97 colleges and universities in Beijing and Hebei, launching a powerful, two-month-long, comprehensive publicity campaign to promote the competition. The 2-month-long all-round publicity has greatly enhanced Pepsi's brand awareness and reputation.

Secondly, in the process of the audition, the rematch and the semi-final, while organizing the competition and selecting outstanding singers, PepsiCo set up a variety of games and tasks, such as "Mission Impossible", "Breakthrough Craving", "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior" and "Blue Warrior", "Blue Warrior" and so on, constantly strengthening the connotation of Pepsi brand, giving college students more Pepsi brand experience.

Once again, the organization of the finals further enriched the connotation of Pepsi by leading the 25 finalists to visit children with leukemia in the hospital and to have a party with children in the school for the blind, and played a video of the process on the site of the finals, and arranged for the whole venue to turn off the lights for one minute to experience the blindness of the activity, leading students to experience the deeper connotation of the Pepsi brand: love.

Strategy analysis: a unique fire trigger campus popularity

Pepsi, Nike, Nokia, Li Ning, Founder, from multinational corporations to local companies, more and more companies have recognized the marketing value of the campus market, and launched a fierce competition for the campus market, but how to grasp and occupy the campus market is still a new topic, and even spawned a number of campus freshman such as the specialists for the enterprise, the campus market is still a new topic. The company is specialized in campus marketing planning and execution of professional companies like Campus Freshman.

Although the university market has unlimited business opportunities, university students, as a group of mobile groups without fixed income, are very different from many other consumer groups.

As young people, college students pursue the release of individuality, they want to become a unique style of people, but also like to have a unique style of products and brands. But this kind of uniqueness is the uniqueness of the group. College students are in close contact with their classmates and friends every day, so they have a high degree of consistency, and they hope and take the initiative to maintain consistency with the group, and to obtain the group's approval with this consistency. Their space is small, their choices are simple and their hobbies are concentrated. From recent events such as Sister Furong, we can find that the way college students live in groups and the modern network and communication devices make it possible for any small spark to quickly ignite a popularity among college students.

Zhongzhan, general manager of Campus Freshman Advertising (Beijing) Co., Ltd, believes that the college student market has a unique commercial value. Their higher education and comprehensive ability make college students have important commercial value; their higher education and comprehensive ability make college students become the most important customers or partners of many enterprises in the future; their relatively concentrated area, considerable consumption ability, and relatively loose competition environment make enterprises in the campus market have a lot to do compared with the society; the huge consumption ability they have in the future makes the college student group have a lot to do in the campus market. The huge spending power they possess in the future will make the college student group become the most important consumer group that most enterprises will pursue in the near future.

These unique business values, characterized by large-scale, low-cost, and high-quality marketing, make campus marketing extremely valuable. In short, the enterprise to carry out product and brand promotion, in the near future can influence or even change the consumer behavior of college students, and in the long term can be a long-term change in the concept of consumption of college students, the significance is very great.

Expert Comment

Whoever gets the future gets the world

In China, there are nearly 20 million college students in a broad sense, and this market is equivalent to 1/4 of Germany and 1/3 of the UK. In addition to tuition and fees, the annual expenses of college students, including education, entertainment, leisure and dating costs, an average of 4,000 yuan per person per year, which means that there is a market of 80 billion yuan.

The potential market value of China's contemporary college student population, its influence on other populations, and its uniqueness are attracting the attention of more and more research organizations and enterprises.

According to a survey report by the Beijing New Generation Market Monitoring Organization (BNGMMO) on the college student market, college students are the power class for future consumption because, according to a seven-year survey by the China Market and Media Study (CMMS) in China, about 40% of the richest people in Chinese society have a college degree or higher, and a comparison of the data of CMMS in 2003 and 2004 shows that this group is the most popular in the world, and the most popular in the world. Moreover, a comparison of CMMS data from 2003 and 2004 shows that this group is also growing rapidly among the affluent class, which means that the future affluent class will be composed of more people with high educational and cultural qualities. This means that the future affluent class will be more highly educated and cultured people, and college students are undoubtedly the future power class.

According to Ma Qijing, an expert in campus marketing at the New Generation Market Monitoring Organization, companies should pay special attention to these keywords when marketing on campus: first, interaction. College students have a higher level of intelligence, and generally lower-end promotional tools will not be too attractive to them; second, association. Second, association. Cooperation between brands, forms and forms of association. For example, Coca-Cola and Lenovo have done some joint activities on campus. There is a lot of room for affiliate marketing on campus, and the cost is low and the effect is good; third, subliminal marketing. Third, subliminal marketing. For college students, marketing methods that are too superficial are generally rejected. The university stage is an important period for the formation of brand awareness, and the brand awareness they establish now will affect their future product choices; fourth, in terms of the way, sports marketing, cultural marketing, entertainment marketing is more effective for college students.

Ma Qi Jing believes that for campus marketing, long-term loyalty marketing is more meaningful than short-term. Campus marketing should be more on brand development and emotional development. Expanding sales is never the goal of campus marketing, especially for multinationals.


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