What are the kidney dialysis concept stocks?

*Dialysis is a device that replaces the function of the * organs and is mainly used to treat * failure and uremia. *Dialysis concept stocks are stocks of listed companies engaged in the production and marketing* of *dialysis equipment and *dialysis drugs. What are the related *dialysis concept stocks?

*Dialysis Concepts Leading List

1, Baolite (300246): since its inception has been to research and development, production and marketing * hemodialysis dry powder and hemodialysis concentrate.

2, Huaren Pharmaceutical (300110): at present the company's main products are fat milk injection, peritoneal dialysis fluid.

3, Heparin (002399): the production of heparin is the world's most effective and clinical use of the largest anticoagulant drugs, mainly used in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hemodialysis treatment.

4, China Resources Shuanghe (600062): the company is China's first GMP-certified pharmaceutical company, the main business covers the development of new drugs, drug manufacturing, pharmaceutical operations and pharmaceutical equipment and other areas of large-scale modern pharmaceutical enterprises. The company is looking at the future in the infusion and cardiovascular and other areas of mergers and acquisitions

5, four ring biological (000518): the product ring Erbo's indications for * insufficiency of function caused by anemia, including dialysis and non-dialysis patients.

6, Coren Pharmaceuticals (002422): the company and Qingshan Likang and its shareholders, Chengdu Likang Industrial Co. and Chengdu Hangli Technology Group Co. signed the "Capital Increase Agreement", the company intends to use over-provisioned funds of $ 176,496,246 and its own funds of $ 29,503,754 *** totaling CNY 206 million to increase the capital of Qingshan Likang Upon completion of the capital increase, the Company will account for 56% of the registered capital of Qingshan Likang. Qingshan Likang is one of the more well-known pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in Chengdu High-tech Zone, and owns production lines and product series of peritoneal dialysis solution and hemofiltration replacement basic solution which the Company does not have yet, and such production lines and product series are in line with the high-tech production varieties encouraged by the National "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", among which peritoneal dialysis solution has a high market share in the relevant fields. Among them, peritoneal dialysis solution has a high market share in the relevant fields, hemofiltration replacement basic solution is a national exclusive variety and has greater market potential, and decellularized bio-amniotic membrane products have obtained product registration certificates and also have broad market prospects. In 2011, the audited net assets of QS-LK amounted to RMB 54,406,500 yuan, with sales* income of RMB 89,211,100 yuan and net profit of RMB 31,222,700 yuan. After this capital increase, Qingshan Likang will accelerate the construction of the new GMP project, which is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2013, and after the project reaches production, the annual output value is expected to be about 280 million yuan, and the net profit is expected to be about 60 million yuan.

7, Dongcheng Pharmaceutical (002675): heparin is the world's most effective, the largest clinical dosage of anticoagulant drugs, mainly used in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hemodialysis treatment, especially in hemodialysis treatment, heparin is an irreplaceable potent drug, with the rapid development of the global and China's pharmaceutical industry and the approval of small molecule heparin preparations of generics on the market, will promote the rapid expansion of the market for heparin and downstream industries. With the rapid development of global and China's pharmaceutical industry and the approval of small molecule heparin generics, heparin and its downstream market will be promoted. As the first choice of anticoagulant, heparin is widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, *dialysis and various types of surgery.

8, Dongcheng biochemical (002675): the production of heparin sodium API is widely used in hemodialysis and.