Which of the following banned and restricted products will be deducted points on speedtrade?

I) Firearms, Military and Police Supplies, Dangerous Weapons Category:

1. Biochemical, chemical, nuclear weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction;

Serious violations, 48 points deducted each time

2. Real firearms, ammunitions, munitions, and large-scale weapons;

Serious violations, 48 points deducted each time

3. Firearms, ammunition, munitions Related equipment and main parts of firearms, ammunition, arms;

6 points/session

4. Simulated guns (e.g. air guns, shotguns, BB guns, paintball guns), gun accessories, spear guns and harpoons;

6 points/session

5. Controlled instruments that can temporarily incapacitate another person and cause significant bodily harm (e.g. electroshock devices, pepper sprays, bows and crossbows);

6 points/times

6. Knives (e.g., spring-loaded folding knives, extra-long knives, fighting knives, military knives) - "Knives Product Release Rules";

6 points/times

7. Control devices (e.g., knives) that seriously jeopardize the personal safety of others. Control devices that seriously jeopardize the personal safety of others (e.g. knuckles, clubs, wolfsbane sticks, ronin forks, darts, etc.);

6 points/subsequent

8. Control devices that generally jeopardize the personal safety of others (e.g. nunchucks, keychain sticks);

2 points/subsequent

9. Police products (e.g. police uniforms, badges, batons, handcuffs and other police equipment and products);

2 points/subsequent

9. Police equipment and products (e.g. uniforms, badges, batons, handcuffs, etc.);

9. p>2 points/times

(ii) Drugs, drug paraphernalia and drug paraphernalia:

1. narcotic tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs, addictive drugs, natural drugs, synthetic drugs, Class I drug paraphernalia;

48 points for each serious violation

2. steroids, Class II drug paraphernalia;

6 points /times

3. Class III drug paraphernalia;

2 points/times

4. Drug smoking paraphernalia and accessories;

2 points/times

5. Paraphernalia to aid in the smuggling, storing, selling, transporting, and manufacturing of drugs (e.g.: marijuana grow lights);

1 point/time

6. Methods of making drugs, Books;

1 point/session

(iii) Flammable, explosive and hazardous chemicals:

1. Explosives;

Serious infractions will result in a deduction of 48 points for each violation

2. Flammable and explosive chemicals;

6 points/session

3. Toxic chemicals;

6 points/session

4. Radioactive substances;

6 points/session

6 points/session

6 points/session

6 points/session

7. >4. radioactive substances;

6 points/times

5. toxic chemicals;

2 points/times

6. ozone depleting substances;

1 point/times

7. fireworks, igniters, and accessories;

0.5 points/times

(d) reactionary and other destructive information:

1. books, audio-visual products, videos, documents and materials containing reactionary, undermining the unity of the country, undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity, undermining social stability, involving state secrets, disrupting social order, promoting cults and superstitions, or prohibited by laws and regulations to be published and distributed; terrorist organizations;

Serious violations of the rules and regulations, and 48 points will be deducted for each time

2. anti-human rights, racial discrimination (such as the Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, etc.);

2 points/time

(v) Pornographic vulgarity, aphrodisiac use category:

1. Audio-visual products and videos containing pornographic and obscene content, pornographic escort services, accounts and invitation codes of adult websites and forums;

Serious violations, 48 points deducted each time

2. Child pornography products;

Serious violations, 48 points per deduction

3. Containing explicit as well as violent pictures; "Speedmart Adult/Erotic Products Industry Standard"

2 points per time

4. Original products (original underwear and related products) Original underwear refers to worn intimate apparel. Please refrain from posting them as they are not suitable for sale either from a hygienic point of view or from the point of view of corrupting social morals.

0.5 points/times

5. Uncivilized language;

0.5 points/times

(F) Involving personal safety, privacy category:

1. Identity cards and documents used to prove identity, including but not limited to, birth certificates, passports, visas, driver's licenses, etc.; expressed or implied for the purpose of forging, altering identity cards and documents used to prove identity The main materials and printing equipment for other documents; information that teaches and introduces methods of forging or altering identity cards and other documents used to prove identity;

Serious violations, each time 48 points are deducted

2. Software and equipment used for eavesdropping, stealing privacy or confidentiality;

6 points/time

3. Used for illegal camera, recording, forensic Equipment (such as hidden camouflage recording, camera equipment)

2 points / times

4. Software, tools, tutorials and products to steal or crack account passwords;

2 points / times

5. Personal privacy information and internal corporate data; to provide personal cell phone location, phone list inquiries, bank account inquiries and other services;

2 points / time

6. bank credit and debit cards, bank card readers and duplicators;

2 points/times

(7) Pharmaceuticals, medical devices and beauty equipment:

1. pharmaceuticals (including prescription drugs, hormones, and radiopharmaceuticals);

6 points/times

2. medical consultations and medical services;

6 points/times

3. Over-the-counter medicines and oral medicines;

2 points/times

4. Chinese herbal medicines (only commodities listed in the National Catalog of Poisonous Chinese Herbal Medicines are handled);

2 points/times

5. Oral weight-loss medicines;

0.5 points/times

6. Medical devices (e.g. contact lenses, cosmetic needles, and in vitro diagnostic reagents);

6 points/times

7. Medical services;

6 points/times

8, In vitro diagnostic reagents);

1 point/session

(viii) Illegal services and tickets:

1. Documents, tickets (e.g.: textile quotas), military medals;

2 points/session

2. Financial services, financial counseling, illegal fund-raising, investment services, insurance services, banking services;

2 points/session

3. Legal services, financial consulting, illegal fund-raising, insurance services, banking services;

3. p>

3. legal counseling, lottery services, educational certificates and related services;

2 points/times

4. recovery services, services on behalf of fans or listeners;

0.5 points/times

(ix) Animals, plants, animal and plant organs and animal trapping and killing tools category:

1. human organs, human remains (including human organs/remains /remains/sperm/eggs/blood, etc.);

Serious violations, 48 points per time

2. Domestic and foreign key protection category animals, endangered animals, the living body, viscera, any limbs, fur, specimens, or other manufactured products, extinct animals and fossilized animals of existing national protection level 2 or above (e.g., endangered animals protected by the CITES and the treaty);

2 Live animals, body parts, products and any processing machines of animals such as sharks, bears, cats, dogs, etc.

2 points/period

4. Plants and manufactured products of domestic and foreign key protection categories (e.g., endangered plants protected by the CITES Agreement);

1 point/period

(j) Illegal proceeds such as theft and unlawful purposes Software, tools or equipment:

1. Signal blockers (e.g., jammers);

6 points/period

2. Stolen vehicles and tools;

6 points/period

3. Gambling tools (e.g., slot machines);

2 points/period

4. Television programs used to obtain authorization for access, Transcoders or other devices (e.g., satellite signal transceivers and software, TV sticks) used to obtain authorized access to television programs, networks, telephones, data, or other protected or restricted services;

2 points/subjects

5. Software suspected of being used for illegal purposes, such as fraud;

2 points/subjects

6. Software or other tools used to send spam;

2 points/subjects

7. Software or other tools used to send spam;

2 points/subjects


7. Exam cheating tools;

1 point/session

8. Commodities that may be used to evade traffic management (e.g., license plate blockers, seat belt muffler buckles);

1 point/session

(xi) Tobacco and products, e-cigarettes:

1. Tobacco (e.g., tobacco, tobacco);

6 points/session

2. Tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars;

6 points/session

3. Electronic cigarette liquids;

6 points/session

4. Cigarette materials (e.g., cigarette paper, filter rods, and cigarette filaments)

1 point/session

5. Tobacco-specific machinery;

0.5 points/session


6. Electronic cigarettes and accessories - "Electronic Cigarettes Release Rules";

0.5 points/times

(XII) Collections:

1. Currency and financial instruments that have been forged or altered; express or impliedly used for the purpose of forgery, alteration of currency or financial instruments.

4. Cultural relics under state protection;

2 points/time

(xiii) Virtual:

1. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies;

6 points/time

2. iTunes, Xbox, PSN, etc. Accounts and user rechargeable goods;

0.5 points/time

3. Publishing of virtual, intangible products, i.e. products with no physical logistics to track;

0.5 points/times

4. Any services (other than those listed above);

0.5 points/times

(xiv) Other:

1. Items related to the transportation industry (e.g., pilots' uniforms, airport ground crew uniforms, train or subway staff uniforms, public ******* uniforms, public transportation services). subway staff uniforms, safety manuals for public ****transportation);

2 points/times

2. Items containing illegal additives or other commodities that have been identified, announced, or recalled by authoritative quality control authorities or manufacturers;

2 points/times

3. Items suspected of having an illegal use (e.g., lock picking tools, synthetic urine to circumvent urinalysis);

1 point/times

3. Items suspected of being used for illegal purposes;

1 point/times

4. Points/times

4. Prohibited audio-visual products;

1 point/time

5. Used cosmetics;

1 point/time

6. Prohibited goods for online trading (e.g., chemicals, alcohol, health food and other food products (except for coffee, candies, nuts, and dried food));

0.5 points/time

7. Goods produced by people who don't have the authority to produce the product (e.g., the manufacturer of the product). p>7. Produced by manufacturers who do not have production qualifications and do not comply with national, local, industry and corporate mandatory standards;

Goods off the shelves/returned or deleted