Fengcheng Township West Zhao Village is located in the eastern suburbs of Houma City, south of the North Ring Road, north to the airport, east to Fengcheng Village, west to Xintian Township Dongzhuang Village. The village **** there are 583 households, a population of more than 2,223 people, under the eight villagers group, arable land area of more than 3,450 acres, is one of the Fengcheng Township jurisdiction of the large village.
In recent years, the construction of new rural areas:
(1) the construction of the village recreational park in the village activity center south of the investment of about 200,000 yuan, the construction of a modern farmers' recreational park covering an area of 2,500 square meters, and purchased recreational and fitness equipment, enriching the masses of the cultural and recreational life for the villagers to provide a place of recreation and entertainment for the construction of the new rural areas to provide the The infrastructure of the guarantee.
(2) completed the village environmental health improvement tasks. Carried out the village garbage fixed point pile, a person responsible for cleaning up garbage, to maintain environmental health in the village.
(3) the establishment of a modern school invested more than 100,000 yuan to improve the educational environment, improve the teaching equipment, so that the quality of teaching in our Xizhao Primary School has improved significantly
(4) the realization of the new rural medical cooperation insurance, the village of the new rural co-operation rate of more than 97% has reached.
(5) In the first half of 2010, the village invested more than 90 million yuan to complete the project of running water into the home. So that every household in the village have eaten convenient tap water, completely solved the problem of difficult water in our village, convenient for the daily life of the masses.
(6) in the second half of 2010, the village invested 430,000 yuan, the construction of the village's southern entrance road, connected with the northern ring road, so that the village said goodbye to the previous potholes in the road, the inconvenience of travel problems, and convenient for the masses to travel.
(7) The construction of 2,500 meters of underground pipeline, the construction of 3,000 meters of seepage-proof channels, in the village south of a deep well, and actively solve the problem of difficult to irrigate the land in the village, and promote the villagers' motivation to plant the land.