Operation guide for Hunt for Submarine 3

F1: Help

F2: Command Room

F3: Attack Periscope

F4: Bridge

F5: Navigational Charts

F6: Torpedo Data Computer

F7: Crew and Hull Damage Management

F8: Mission Briefing

F9: Radio Room

F10: Deck Guns

F11: Flak Machine Guns

F12: Free View

`: Stop Sailing

1: Slow Forward

2: 1/3 Speed Forward

3: Standard Speed Forward

4: Full Speed Forward

5: Overdrive Forward

6: Slow Backward

7: Full Speed Forward

7: Full Speed Forward

8: Full Speed Forward

9: Full Speed Forward

9: Full Speed Forward

6: Slow Reverse

7: 1/3 Speed Reverse

8: Standard Speed Reverse

9: Emergency Reverse

[: Left Full Rudder

]: Right Full Rudder

': Rudder Back In

S: Surface Up

D: Dive Down

A : Holding Depth

P : Periscope Depth

; : Ventilation Tube Depth

C : Emergency Dive

E : Emergency Surface Surfacing

Z : Quiet Sailing

R : Radio

H : Underwater Listening Device

U : Bridge Observation Telescope

O : Observation Periscope

O : Observation Periscope

B: Binoculars

M: Radio messages

K: Captain's log

F: Primary Flak Machine Gun

T: Secondary Flak Machine Gun 1

G: Secondary Flak Machine Gun 2

I: Weapons Management

Q: Opens selected torpedo bay

W: Closes selected torpedo bay

Y: Switch torpedo tubes

L: Lock view

N: Use guide

V: Increase max/decrease min view

/: Close event view

X: Raise/lower vent tubes

Return: Fire torpedoes

Space: Deck gun fire

Page Up: Raise Attack Periscope

Page Down: Lower Attack Periscope

Insert: Raise Observation Periscope

Delete: Lower Observation Periscope

Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down: Fully Raise/Lower Attack Periscope

Ctrl +Insert/Delete: raise/lower the observation periscope completely

Arrow keys: move the viewpoint

Backspace: pause

Small keypad "-": decrease the time flow

Small keypad "+ ": increase time flow

Shift+Mouse: speed up the view movement

Ctrl+Mouse: slow down the view movement

Shift+F2: wander freely in the Command Center and the Command Tower

Ctrl+P: solve the NVIDIA graphics card particle effect bug

Shift+Page Up/Page Down: Increase/Decrease flare effect (software antialiasing)

Ctrl+Left Mouse Button: (on nautical charts) focus the map on a single point

Shift+F11: Continuous map grabbing, press again to stop grabbing

Ctrl+F11: Single map grabbing