The process of spray painting? What does not fade when spraying?

1, check the flatness of the sheet metal repair: first of all, the parts to be painted to check whether it is flat, wipe clean the painted part without sheet metal, check whether there is a dent.

2. Sanding the parts that need to be patched: Use a sander to treat the edges of the sheet metal, use sandpaper to grind the feathery edges around the sheet metal, and then use sandpaper to sand down the old paint surface to expand the scope of patching.

3, clean and oil:After sanding is completed, clean the sanding position and painting position.

4, make up the soil: the low concave place of the car surface with atomic gray to make up the flat, to be dry sanding.

5, grinding: according to the different surface shapes to choose a different way of sanding after the edge of the atomic gray and the original car with the old paint a smooth transition to the original car's assembly line requirements.

6, spray primer or scrape filler: fill the soil for spraying primer or scrape filler and leveling the atomic gray of some small holes and coating damage.

7, primer sanding: the primer or filler dust sanding, leveling with sandpaper to expand the scope of sanding, enhance the adhesion of the new paint in the old paint film, sanding can be completed to enter the preparation of the spray paint.

8, blowing water masking: to paint the scope of all the edge of the interface, with compressed air will be the edge of the seam in the way of water blow-drying,

not to paint the parts of the masking.

9, oiling, dusting:Clean the whole work to be sprayed with degreaser, use sticky dust cloth for dusting work before spraying.

10, spray paint finish: spray paint finish can be divided into three processes:

1) single process - a single process for solid color paint.

2)Double process - double process for metallic paint.

3)Three processes - three processes for white pearl, chameleon. (Note: for different colors of paint spray topcoat construction process is different.)

11, sanding and polishing: with water sandpaper, sanding the paint surface above the dust point and orange peel after polishing with wax.

Electrostatic spraying process (electrostatic spraying) has the advantage:

No thinner, construction of the environment is not polluting, non-toxic to the human body; the coating appearance of excellent quality, adhesion and mechanical strength; spraying construction curing time is short; the coating of the corrosion and abrasion resistance is much higher; do not need a primer; construction is simple, the technical requirements of the workers are low; the cost of less than the spraying process; some of the construction occasions Has been clearly proposed must use electrostatic spraying process; electrostatic powder coating process will not appear in the paint spraying process common flow phenomenon.