The horseshoe crab is an incredibly skeletal, ancient sea creature that has escaped five mass extinctions.
But some people have tried to make a dish out of it, so the horseshoe crab may be experiencing its sixth extinction, and is now listed as endangered on China's Red List of Species.
Eating horseshoe crabs is a crime punishable by jail time! The first time you eat a horseshoe crab, you'll go to jail! The law against eating horseshoe crabs is to be imprisoned!
Some of our friends thought it was against the law to eat horseshoe crabs, but I don't think so!
I want to explain, this is horseshoe crab [hòu]?
I'd like to explain that this is a horseshoe crab, not a turtle. If you ask me why I'm so serious, it's because I used to think of Aobai as turtle worship.
Many of us will see pictures of horseshoe crabs and slap our thighs: Hey, it's not the turtle from Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's Tomb Raider's turtle! Can you eat this? It's poisonous at first glance!
Tomb Raider's Bell's Corpse Turtle
That's right, horseshoe crabs are rich in copper ions in their blood, which may lead to heavy metal poisoning.
Horseshoe crab meat has a large molecule non-specific protein sensitizer, which can trigger allergic skin rashes, redness, swelling and itching, leading to anaphylactic shock or lethal toxic reactions in severe cases, with a high mortality rate from poisoning.
And China's common round-tailed horseshoe crabs also have tetrodotoxin-like, tetrodotoxin is similar to tetrodotoxin neurotoxin, poisoning manifested as chest tightness, numbness around the mouth, weakness in the limbs, diarrhea and other symptoms, the serious can be fatal.
Don't look at this small horseshoe crab, poisoned four people absolutely no problem.
Why do horseshoe crabs have blue blood?
Mammalian blood contains iron ions, and the vast majority of blood relies on iron-based hemoglobin to transport oxygen throughout the body. When iron combines with oxygen, it takes on the red color visible to our naked eye.
Instead, the iron in the horseshoe crab's blood is replaced with copper, which oxidizes to the exact blue-green color.
The respiratory proteins of horseshoe crabs are called hemocyanin as opposed to hemoglobin.
It is this strange and bizarre blood that has enabled the horseshoe crab race to outlast other animals for 400 million years.
Blue-blooded aristocrats, that's a bit of a strong filter to add
Why is it said that its blue blood has saved countless humans?
The blue blood of the horseshoe crab contains metamorphic cells, which immediately shrivel up and rupture when encountering bacterial aggression, causing the local blood to coagulate, thus trapping the bacteria from continuing to replicate and infringe on the body. Humans have discovered this property of horseshoe crab blood, and have begun to go on a rampage to capture horseshoe crabs, extract their blood, and make horseshoe crab reagents for endotoxin detection.
The horseshoe crab reagent reacts quickly and accurately to endotoxin, and in this area, the horseshoe crab reagent is virtually alone.
According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, antibiotics, dextrose, saline and vaccines for injectable use must be tested for bacterial endotoxin before they can be put on the market, and the most common test for endotoxin is the use of horseshoe crab reagents prepared from horseshoe crab blood.
In the modern medical system, horseshoe crabs are indispensable for every injection, every intravenous infusion, and every medical device that needs to be implanted in the human body, and it can be said that without horseshoe crabs in the short term, the healthcare safety of all mankind will face a crisis.
Guard them together!
The horseshoe crab has been around for 450 million years from the Ordovician period, and its appearance has basically not changed much, which is why the horseshoe crab has earned the name of a living fossil.
But today's horseshoe crabs are not doing well on Earth, because of its unique body functions, they are caught in large quantities "blood donation" but the fate of the horseshoe crab is ill-fated, some horseshoe crabs died due to overdose of blood, some were even discarded on the spot, even if they are fortunate enough to be released into the ocean, there are still some "horseshoe crabs Some female horseshoe crabs have been reported to be less active in giving birth after being released into the ocean.
Because the horseshoe crabs are less valuable after blood donation, people eat horseshoe crabs as a kind of status symbol, and the horseshoe crabs and the magical animals in martial arts novels have the same miraculous effect, which makes the horseshoe crab's survival further deteriorate. People have tried to keep looking so ugly all the time, how come there are still people who always want to eat it?
We human beings can survive in this world, absolutely not rely on the wisdom of Homo sapiens only, but a lot of creatures like horseshoe crabs in we can not see the place quietly guarding our survival, now we understand, then together try to guard them!
I hope my answer can help you!