What is the meaning of the proverb, "winter sickness and summer treatment", and which diseases are suitable for winter sickness and summer treatment?

Winter disease summer treatment is in the winter frequent disease in the summer treatment will be more effective, especially some of its own Yang Qi is not very full of people. There are many diseases that are suitable for winter treatment, such as bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and some stomach diseases.

With the progress of the modern medical level, many diseases can be cured, and also can be prevented in advance to reduce the chance of recurrence of the disease. However, nowadays people's thinking has also changed a lot, pay more attention to the maintenance and diet of a balanced diet, try to work at the same time will also carry out physical exercise.

Nowadays, many treatment concepts tend to winter disease summer treatment, said that in the winter more frequent disease, because of the winter weather temperature as well as seasonal reasons can be taken to the summer to treat. Because the summer temperature is higher, our body's blood circulation will be greatly accelerated, and the body's pores will be all open, this time whether it is for medicine or instrumental treatment, there will be a great deal of efficacy. Some people are weaker than others, and in winter, when the temperature is lower, the pores of the body are closed because they need to help the body store heat, so winter is not as suitable as summer for treatment.

Particularly the most common respiratory diseases or some bronchitis, in the summer for treatment will be more effective. The humidity in the air is not enough in the fall and winter, which leads to the evaporation of our body fluids, so it is easy to cause respiratory diseases. Some patients with chronic arthritis have symptoms that are aggravated by the dry and cold weather in winter, when the blood circulation in the body becomes slow, and these symptoms become less severe in summer.