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1, for the enterprise manpower, time, money, information are all resources .

2, computer, the main cost of manufacturing advanced medical equipment is the cost of information.

3, the development, utilization and management process of information resources is also the process of information activities.

4, the main content of modern information resource management is the use of modern information technology development, the use of information resources

5, can play a role in protecting the rights and interests of computer software copyright holders of intellectual property laws and regulations is the protection of computer software regulations

6, IRM refers to the management of information resources

7, the material basis of information resource activities are Information resource management facilities

8, the standard code of local standards begins with DB.

9, the most dangerous factor threatening the security of information systems is computer viruses

10, the most commonly used encryption algorithm in the symmetric encryption system is the data encryption standard DES

11, the following options, belonging to a modern social organization of the information resources is the electronic computer Windows series of operating systems Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software business Network administrators

Disks for storing important corporate information

12, copyright is the right of authorship and the right to receive remuneration

13, computer virus prevention technology mainly includes

Software prevention Hardware prevention

14, information collection, coding and recording standards include Information coding and information recording Information collection Common file format information classification

15, the openness of information systems and high technology makes it a potential threat and vulnerable to attack.

16. The characteristics of market information resources are: purpose benefit competition transformation hierarchy value-added

17. Computer information system consists of hardware software database communication network personnel program rules.

18, audio and video technology standards mainly include photographic standards video camera standards audio technology standards video technology standards

19, information systems security natural factors are divided into natural disasters environmental disturbances

20, firewall technology through the packet filtering application-level gateway proxy server and other ways to achieve its functions.

31. Banking informatization involves three pillars of technology: sensors, communications and computers.

32. Incomplete and asymmetric market information leads to market failure or inefficient market operation, resulting in adverse selection and moral hazard. Effective ways to correct this phenomenon include incentives and dissemination of market signals as well as the power of intermediary market brokers.

33. Security and insurance standards for information are divided into two main categories, one is data encryption and protection, and the other is system physical security.

34, the basic methods of information classification: line classification and surface classification.

35, the national standard is of great significance to the national technical and economic development and must be unified nationwide standards, is the State Council standardization administrative department to prepare plans.

36. From an epistemological point of view, information is the state of motion of a thing perceived or described by the subject and the way in which that state changes.

37. The main point of the CIO system is that the highest management decision-making level in the organization is fully responsible for the management of the company's information resources.

38. Market information can be divided into public **** information and private information, there is no strict boundary between the two, private information may become public **** information over time.

39. Government information resources are an extremely important national resource.

40.The enterprise information resource management system is equivalent to the nervous system of the enterprise, penetrating every department of the enterprise organization.

41. Information resources are a collection of information and its information workers and information technology and other elements of information activities that have been developed, organized and utilized and accumulated in large quantities in human social activities.

42. Depending on the spatial existence dimension of corporate knowledge, corporate knowledge management differs in approach. For explicit knowledge, knowledge maps can be used to manage it

42. Knowledge innovation, although of great value to the organization, is costly and carries a high degree of risk.

43. Government information resource management focuses on the management of information content resources.

44. A complete automatic identification computer management system includes an automatic identification system, application program interface or middleware and application system software.

45. Information is different from the material, an important feature of energy is that it can be *** with the possession, *** with the enjoyment.

46. Market information can be divided into public **** information and private information, there is no strict boundary between the two, private information may become public **** information over time.

47. The key to the success of government informatization lies in the leadership of government departments, known as the "first-in-command principle".

48. Syntactic information, semantic information, and pragmatic information together constitute all the information at the epistemological level, i.e., full information.

49, modern information storage technology mainly includes magnetic storage technology and optical storage technology.

50, the government must develop a unified government information security standards, which with the data standards and technical standards *** with the government information resource management of the three major standards.

51The main elements of organization-oriented information resources are (A) management of corporate websites (B) management of information products (C) formulation of the Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software (D) security management of corporate websites (E) management of the personnel who maintain the corporate websites

52, copyright includes (A) the right to publish (B) the right of authorship

(C) the right to modify (D) the right to publish (C) the right of authorship

(D) the right of authorship

(D) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (C) the right to modify (D) the right to protect the integrity of the work

(E) citizens, legal persons or unincorporated entities enjoying copyright in accordance with the law, personal and property rights.

53, software engineering standards include the following (A) software development specifications (B) software documentation specifications

(C) software maintenance specifications (D) software quality specifications specifications.

54, market information resources are characterized by (A) purpose (B) interest (C) competitive

(D) transformative (E) hierarchical (F) value-added

55, information collection, coding and recording standards include (A) classification of information (B) information coding and recording of information (C) information collection (D) common file format .

56, audio and video technology standards are mainly packaged (A) photographic standards (B) camera standards

(C) audio technology standards (D) video technology standards

57, the current formation of software protection methods are.

(a) legal protection methods (b) technical protection methods

58, computer viruses are categorized into (A) bootstrap viruses (B) intrusion viruses

(C) operating system viruses (D) file viruses (E) shell viruses

59, according to the documents of the U.S. National Security Information Infrastructure (NSSII), the security attributes of information systems include.

(A) Availability (B) Reliability (C) Integrity

(D) Confidentiality (E) Non-repudiation

60, A computer information system consists of (A) Hardware (B) Software (C) Databases

(D) Communication Networks (E) Personnel (F) Program Rules.

61, in the modern society, human survival and development of strategic resources including material resources and information resources

62, at present in our country, government departments at all levels in the process of information resources management, the main responsibility is to guide from the policy on the development and utilization of information resources

63, the main legal system for the development, the use of information resources is the intellectual property rights system

64, the main legal system for the development and utilization of information resources is the intellectual property rights system

65, the main legal system for the development and utilization of information resources is the intellectual property rights system.

64, intellectual property system is a legal system to protect intellectual achievements.

65, the number of the standard, the code after the spacing line indicates the year of approval of the standard

66, the computer information system consists of entity and information two parts.

67, China's government issued the first special laws and regulations on the security protection of computer information systems is the "People's Republic of China *** and the State Regulations on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems"

68, encryption transformation can be used for the protection of data confidentiality and the integrity of the data to detect

69, the best solution for data encryption is the combination of symmetric encryption systems and asymmetric encryption regime combined.

70, the security of software is the security of the program.

71. In modern society, the strategic resources on which human beings rely for survival and development include material resources and information resources

72. At present, in China, the main responsibility of government departments at all levels in the process of information resources management is to guide the development and utilization of information resources from the perspective of policy

73. The main legal system for the development and utilization of information resources is the intellectual property rights system


74, intellectual property system is a kind of legal system to protect intellectual achievements.

75, the number of the standard, the code after the spacing line indicates the year of approval of the standard

76, the computer information system consists of entity and information two parts.

77, China's government issued the first special laws and regulations on the security protection of computer information systems is the "People's Republic of China *** and the country's regulations on the security protection of computer information systems

78, encryption transformation can be used for the protection of data confidentiality and the integrity of the data to detect

79, the best solution for data encryption is the combination of symmetric encryption systems and asymmetric encryption regime combined.

80, the security of software is the security of the program.

81. Government information capability is information collection capability, information processing capability, information utilization capability and information exchange capability.

82, enterprise information resource management generally exists in centralized, decentralized, centralized-decentralized three organizational structure mode.

83. Bank informatization has gone through three stages: electronic business processing, electronic operation and management, and bank reengineering.

1. Information Resource Management

Information resource management is the process of effectively identifying, acquiring, synthesizing, and utilizing a variety of information resources to meet current and future information needs.

2. Information Technology

Information technology refers to the computer and communication technology support for the acquisition, processing, storage, transformation, display and transmission of text, graphics, images, video, and audio information, including the provision of equipment and the provision of information services in two major aspects of the general term of the methods and equipment.

3. Documentary information

Documentary information is the use of certain symbols and their response to the recording of human spiritual information on a certain carrier, it has all the nature and function of information, but also has its own characteristics.

4. Information organization

Information organization is the use of certain scientific laws and methods, through the external characteristics and content characteristics of the order and synthesis, the realization of disorderly information flow to the orderly flow of information conversion process.

5. Information Retrieval

Information retrieval refers to the process of organizing and storing information in a certain way and finding relevant information according to the needs of information users.

1. Briefly describe the content of network information security

Network information security consists of three parts: one is the storage of network information hardware equipment and environmental security, the second is the network information to provide support for the security of the software system, and the third is the security services.

2. CD-ROM storage applications in which aspects?

Optical disk storage is mainly used in electronic publications, electronic image management, file management, backup management.

3. Briefly explain the difference between information, intelligence and knowledge

Knowledge is a part of the information, is a reasonable judgment or empirical results of that part of the information; intelligence is a knowledge product, the production of intelligence condensed with the knowledge and wisdom of the user or the intelligence personnel, and therefore the intelligence is the processing of knowledge and information from the knowledge or information products, so the scope of the intelligence is smaller than the knowledge and information. Knowledge and information. In this way, the relationship between information, knowledge and intelligence can be described by the pyramid model as follows: the top layer of intelligence, the middle layer of knowledge, the lower layer of information.

5. Briefly describe the forms of information resource allocation

Time allocation, space allocation, variety type allocation.

1. The material and non-material conditions that a person or a social organization must have to carry out its activities and acquire through efforts are collectively called the person's or the organization's . Resources

2. Renewable resources can also be called . First resource . Information resources can also become is . Third resource

4. The process in which the scale of people's information activities grows to the point where they dominate the national economy is called informatization

5. The sector that includes all the organizations and activities that provide information products and services to the market is known as the first information sector

6. The process of implementing an information system must be accompanied by risk management, and the first step in the process of risk management is Risk identification

7. The main factors affecting the maintainability of a system include (ease of testing the system) comprehensibility, testability, and modifiability

1. The resources that play a key, global, and long-term role in the survival and development of an organization are called the organization's. strategic resources. Strategic resources

2. Resources such as metallic or non-metallic materials, if consumed, cannot be regenerated in the time scale of human history, they can also be referred to as secondary resources

3. The types of industries that a region or country has and the proportionality of the various types of industries in the national economy are known as the industrial structure

4. Knowledge that can be acquired by reading, listening to lectures and checking the The knowledge that can be acquired by reading, listening and viewing databases belongs to categorized knowledge

5. In the process of information system development, the project manager is responsible for ensuring the smooth progress of the whole development project and coordinating the tasks between developers, between end-users at all levels, and between the developers and the general public

6. In the categorization of economic benefits, it can be divided into. Macro and microeconomic benefits

7. Records of system operation is an important part of system operation and maintenance work, in the process of system operation needs to be collected and accumulated information, including the number of related work, system maintenance modifications, efficiency and other information

8. In order to ensure the quality of the system development, the development of the project should be combined with the characteristics of the selection of the appropriate development strategy for the development of large and complex systems should be used. The development of large and complex systems should be selected. Composite method

9. Standardization is a comprehensive and very strong basic work, is an important national technical and economic policy

10. in the national economic system as well as the structure of the management system in the structure of the structure and its internal relationship refers to the spatial structure of the standard system

11. standard code starting with Q indicates that this standard is an enterprise standard

12 . . A. standardization policy B. standardization process C. standardization technology D. standardization process The most important part of the content of the standardization of information resource management is standardization technology

14. 14. The national standard "Guide to Computer Software Product Development Documentation" of the 14 documents, one of which was prepared in order to make the user and the software developer both of the development of the initial provisions of the software to have a **** the same One of the 14 documents in the National Standard Documentation Guidelines for Computer Software Product Development is a document that has been prepared to provide the user and the software developer with a ****ual understanding of the initial provisions of the software development so that they can form the basis of the software development effort, which is the Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

15. Among the software quality elements that have an adverse effect on portability are reliability, efficiency

16. Basic processing flow, organizational structure, module structure, functional configuration, interface design, operational design, system configuration, data structure design and error handling, etc. This document is . Overall design specification

18. Computer virus prevention involves two aspects, namely, technical measures and . Management measures

19. The principles of information systems security management include limited tenure

8. The contents of the system operation management include. Daily operation management, operation records, inspection and evaluation of system operation

9. Information resource management is to ensure the effective use of information resources, the means used is modern . Information Technology

11.China's national standard code is the first letter of the two words of the Hanyu Pinyin to express as .GB

l2.Standardization is the specific process of implementing standards with the goal of obtaining the best social order and social benefits

13.The two processes of the introduction of the information resource management standards include the development and revision

14. Software quality of the main characteristics of the software in the case of functional changes and expansion, the ability of the software to operate normally is. Expandability

16. 1960s "software crisis", the emergence of software engineering used to manage the production process of software is the principle and method of systems engineering

17. national standard "Computer Software Product Development Documentation Guidelines" in the need to document the form of the software product development in the In the development process, the person in charge of each task, the development progress, the budget, the required hardware and software issues to make arrangements to record, in order to carry out and check the development of the project accordingly is. Project development plan

18. Software total quality management of the third stage, product quality to carry out "three full" management of the "quality management", which refers to. All departments, all personnel, the whole process of product formation

l9. In different applications and environmental characteristics, the quality of the elements of the requirements are different, for real-time systems need to focus on the elements are. Reliability, Efficiency

20.The encryption key that encrypts and protects the data is called the basic key also known as the secondary key

21.Depending on the extent to which the information affects the activities of the recipient of the information, the content of the information may have the following layers ( ACDE )

A.Signs layer B.Information layer C.Facts layer D.Knowledge layer E.Wisdom layer

22.The characteristics of standardization work include ( BCE )

A.Uniqueness B.Uniformity C.Policy D.Vertical comprehensiveness E.Horizontal comprehensiveness

23.In the initial runtime phase of the software's survival period, the required quality characteristics of the software are ( ACD )

A.Functionality, Efficiency B.Re-use, Efficiency C.Reliability, Security D. Ease of use, security E. Maintainability, portability

24.The three-tier model generally used for quality metrics in the software development process is ( BDE )

A. Quality metrics B. Quality characteristics C. Evaluation criteria (similar to second-level quality characteristics) D. Second-level quality characteristics E. Metrics

25.The security of an information system is mainly reflected in the following Which aspects? ( ABC DE )

A.Robustness B.Confidentiality C.Controllability D.Reviewability E.Resistance to Attack

21.The three important factors of information technology productivity include ( BDE )

A.Computers B.Technology C.Policies D.Organizational Management E.People

22.Types of Information Systems Maintenance include ( ABDE )

22. p>

A. Error Corrective Maintenance B. Adaptive Maintenance C. Periodic Maintenance D. Improvement Maintenance E. Preventive Maintenance

23. The composition of the standard system has the basic characteristics include (ACD )

A. Supporting B. Comprehensive C. Coordination D. Proportionality E. Authoritative

24. After the provision of the original quality indicators of the basic The other elements that have an impact on the reliability of the quality elements are ( BDE )

A.Efficiency B.Ease of use C.Functionality D.Maintainability E.Portability

25.The SET protocol provides security measures for electronic transactions and ensures ( ACDE )

A.Confidentiality B.High speed C.Scrutiny D.Legitimacy of Identity E.Resistance to denial

26.For the majority of Chinese enterprises, technological backwardness is certainly prevalent, but the more serious problem is _____.

27.Knowledge of what is (Know-what), which refers to knowledge about facts ____.

28.The development and implementation of standards is the basis and _scale_ of engineering technology and management.

29.Standardization is a __comprehensive__ discipline, which is the study of the special nature of standardization and its development laws through the form of unified standards.

30.The main classification of standards are: hierarchical classification, nature classification and object classification.

31.Software quality management activities can be broadly divided into the functional complementary quality design and quality control.

32. China's software quality model is a three-layer model consisting of software quality elements, evaluation criteria and metrics.

34. There are two main types of threats and attacks on information in a system: information leakage and information destruction_.

35. The prevention of computer crime relies mainly on the deterrent power of the law and the binding force of security management, security technology and various regulations.

36. Briefly describe the relationship between information and carrier.

Information is the interconnection between things interacting with each other in the state of content description, just a description, in what form depends on the nature of the carrier; carrier, also known as the media, is the information from the source of the letter to the letter of the host of the carrier; information with the help of the carrier can be detached from the source of the movement or storage. The physical symbols or numbers on the carrier reflecting the content of the information is called data, data is the physical form of the information, the information is the content of the data; the physical characteristics of the data and the nature of the carrier is related to the content of the information and the carrier has nothing to do with the nature of the information; therefore, the information can be changed in the process of transmission of the carrier without affecting the content of the information.

37. Briefly describe the purpose and tasks of system maintenance.

The purpose of system maintenance is to ensure the normal and reliable operation of the management information system, and to enable the system to be continuously improved and enhanced in order to give full play to its role.

The task of system maintenance is to plan and organize the necessary changes to the system to ensure that the various elements of the system are always in an up-to-date and correct working condition as the environment changes.

38. Briefly describe the four principles of terminology standardization.

Priority principle: standardization of terminology takes precedence over technical standardization

Simplicity principle: concise language should be used

Flexibility principle: a flexible approach is adopted

Broadness principle: standardization of terminology is to be carried out in a collective manner.

42. Try to describe the main tasks of China's informatization.

To realize the transformation of planned economy to market economy and the transformation of economic growth mode from rough to intensive.

43. Try to describe the management of management information system development project management can be divided into which two stages and the main steps of each stage.

Can be divided into the project and feasibility study stage and project implementation management stage.

The main work of the project and feasibility stage is a preliminary investigation, the project proposal, formal research, to determine the feasibility of the project in the technical, economic, market, management and other aspects of the feasibility analysis.

The project implementation and management phase includes system analysis, system design, system implementation, system maintenance and evaluation.

1, what is the broad and narrow information resources?

Broadly speaking, information resource refers to the information and its producers and information technology, which consists of three parts: all kinds of useful information in human socio-economic activities; information producers who produce useful information for certain purposes; and the technology for processing, treating and transmitting useful information. Information resources in a narrow sense refers only to the collection of useful information in human socio-economic activities after processing and orderly and large-scale accumulation, which includes scientific and technological information, policies and regulations, social development information, economic information, economic information, market information, financial information and other aspects of the content.

3. The World Wide Web is a network of information resources, which basic technologies does it mainly rely on?

The World Wide Web is one of the major due of the Internet, is an information resource network, it can make these information resources for the vast number of users, mainly rely on the following three kinds of basic technology:

(1) Designation of the online information resources address the unified naming method: URL

(2) Access to the resources of the protocol: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP

(3) Access to the resource protocol: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP

(4) Access to the Internet: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP

(3) Hypertext linking technology that makes it easy to navigate between resources, derived from HyperText's HyperLink

6 What are the unique characteristics of the information industry as a new category of industry, compared to traditional industries?

Information industry is a technology, knowledge and intelligence-intensive industry;

High-input, high-risk and high-value-added industry;

Fast updating and changeable industry influenced by scientific and technological progress;

Highly penetrating and independent industry;

Saving resources, low harm and sustainable development;

Fast growth and wide demand.

The pioneer industry with strategic significance

7 Zero information source

Zero information source refers to various channels of information disseminated verbally by human beings, it is the information that people get through direct communication, and it is the structure that the content of the information object acts directly on the human senses to get the feeling. Zero-time information has the characteristics of directness, timeliness, novelty, randomness and non-storage.

8What is the natural monopoly of information industry?

By natural monopoly, we mean that the technology used to produce a good can lead to a market with only one vendor or only a few vendors. A natural monopoly occurs when the average cost of a manufacturer is decreasing within the range of output that the market can possibly accommodate.

Natural monopolies are characterized by high initial investment and very low marginal costs per unit of product or service produced once they are in production. Due to the presence of huge fixed costs, it is difficult for late entrant manufacturers to reach a certain size and have higher average costs, thus placing them at a competitive disadvantage, hence the lack of competition in the market.


A system is a set of elements or components that interact to accomplish a defined goal or purpose. A system has two basic components: a set of interacting elements; and a defined goal. The elements themselves and their interrelationships determine how the system works. The goal, in turn, is the result or purpose of the system's work.

12Project? A project is a piece of planned work or an activity that is completed in a time cycle and is intended to achieve a particular purpose, and goes through four phases in its life cycle: project definition, project initiation, project control, and project closure. Projects have the following basic attributes: uniqueness, temporary and open-ended, limited life cycle, uncertainty and risk.

15 Given 5 respondents' ratings of 4 sources of information, find the average rating, the weight of the ratings, and the average ranking of each source.

1. What parts of an information system may be insecure?

Data input equipment, data processing part, communication lines, software, output part.

2. What are the threats and attacks on information systems?

The openness of the information system and resource **** enjoyment, so that it has a potential threat and vulnerable to attack. Expressed in: first, the entity of the threat and attack; second, the threat and attack on information.

3, the main factors affecting the security of information systems include which aspects?

Natural factors: natural disasters, environmental interference; human factors: unintentional damage, intentional destruction.

26, what is the principle of system security management?

Multiple people are responsible for the principle: in the information center personnel conditions allow and in addition to the information supervisor believes that the safety of the situation, engaged in each security-related activities must be two or more people present; limited tenure principle: no one should not be a long time to serve in security-related positions; separation of duties principle: information system staff should not inquire about, understand or participate in any security-related matters outside of their duties, unless the system supervisor approves. unless authorized by the system supervisor.

27. What are the characteristics of computer crime?

New methods of crime, short time of operation, leaving no traces, the proportion of crimes committed by internal staff is increasing, a wide range of crime areas, and taking advantage of the loopholes of inadequate confidentiality systems and access control mechanisms.

11. Briefly describe the content of standardization of information resource management?

Standardized technology; standardized facilities; standardized terminology; standardized management process.

12, what are the guiding principles and basic methods of information resource management standardization?

Principles: benefit principle, system principle, dynamic principle, optimization principle, consultation principle. Methods: simplification, unification, combination, synthesis.

13, briefly describe the information resource management standards development process?

Organization of standard-setting working group; research and experimental verification; draft standards (draft for comment); solicitation of comments; summary of comments; draft standards (review draft); preliminary or full review; summary of comments; draft standards (draft for approval); approval, release; formal approval.

14, what is a mandatory standard? What is a recommended standard?

Mandatory standards are enforced by law and administrative regulations, mandatory standards must be implemented. Other non-mandatory standards are recommended standards, the state encourages enterprises to voluntarily adopt.

11, briefly explain the connotation of information resource management ideas?

Information resources is a kind of *** enjoyable resources; information resources is the organization's strategic resources; information resources must be comprehensive, systematic management; information resource management is the key to the rational allocation of information resources and *** enjoyment; information resource management is a kind of concept, but also a kind of model; information resource management is affected by the social environment.

12. Briefly describe the role of intellectual property system?

Incentives to create, protect investment, regulate the interests of public ****, on the system in the protection of intellectual property rights at the same time, but also to prevent the abuse of such rights, the correct handling of the interests of social public **** and intellectual property rights of the interests of the owner of the interrelationship between both favorable innovation, but also conducive to the promotion of the use of the international economic, technological cooperation, the creation of favourable conditions and conditions for the environment.

13, discuss the basic characteristics of information resource management ideas?

Comprehensive, economic, information resource management of information and its related elements as a whole, emphasizing each other, integrated planning, play a holistic effect, decision-making, that is, information as a strategic resource, emphasizing the strategic management of information and high-level management, information resource management is a kind of information management model.

14, why is the management of information systems is an important element of information resource management?

The development and utilization of information resources, including information collection, transmission, processing, storage and other types of activities, the use of computers, communication equipment, various types of software, data, follow a series of standards, norms, legal systems, the need for various types of management and technical personnel. The above elements according to the law of information movement and information resources development, utilization of the purpose and requirements of the orderly combination, it becomes the information system. Therefore, the management of information systems is an important element of information resources.

15, what is the knowledge economy? Try to describe the origin of the knowledge economy and the main measures to promote the development of the knowledge economy?

To information activities as the main content of human economic activities in the economic form known as the knowledge economy. Origin: the development of the social economy and the change of economic form is related to the resources that people rely on in economic activities, these resources include the object of labor and means of labor. Depending on the differences in the key resources relied upon, different economic forms have emerged in human history. From industrialization to informatization, a major change in the economic field, information resources have become the key resources for human beings to carry out social activities, and the economic dynamics have fundamentally changed, and after the industrial economy, a new economic form has emerged, i.e., the knowledge economy. Promotional measures: promoting the diffusion of knowledge, broadening support for technological innovation, promoting the diffusion of new technologies into various sectors and enterprises, promoting the development of information infrastructure; improving human quality; and promoting organizational change.

16, the role of the legal environment of information resource management? China's exercise of information resources management functions of the organization?

Role: In order to ensure the normal conduct of information activities, it is necessary to create a good legal environment, so that illegal looting and abuse, destruction of information resources to be combated and stifled, and to protect the results of the development and utilization of information resources and the development of the information industry. Organizations: government departments at all levels, civil groups and organizations, information service agencies, enterprises.