This is the question I asked and requested a new number for it!!!!
In the Internet to find a lot of answers, I found a very effective one everyone adopted::
My in the registry to find the path is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60- C465-11CF-Control\Class\{36FC9E60 C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} (mine is win7 system, xp I don't know, and different computer I don't know if the location is the same).
Under this item, there is an upperfilter? item and a loweverfilter? item (mine has an "s" at the end, i.e.: upperfilters? item and loweverfilters? item), delete it, uninstall it in the device manager, and then rescan it, ok, automatically install the driver. OK to automatically install the driver
For the registry location is not the same as mine, find all {? }, the first item on the right under "Data" is Universal?Serial?Bus?controllers, on that page there are the two items mentioned above, delete, uninstall, scan for new hardware, ok, hands-on sure ok.
My screenshot is showing the Universal?Serial?Bus?controllers, and I'm not sure how to get the driver to install. The diagram shows the location of Universal?Serial?Bus?controllers