Hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization quality control

Hydrogen peroxide low-temperature plasma sterilizer can be used for low-temperature sterilization of both metallic and non-metallic medical devices. It sterilizes medical devices by diffusing hydrogen peroxide in the chamber and then "stimulating" the hydrogen peroxide into a plasma state. By combining hydrogen peroxide vapor with plasma, medical instruments and materials are safely and rapidly sterilized without leaving any toxic residue. All phases of the sterilization process are run in a dry, low-temperature environment, so there is no damage to heat- or moisture-sensitive instruments, and it is suitable for both metallic and non-metallic instruments, and can sterilize hard-to-reach (not easily diffused) parts of instruments such as hemostat hinges.


Rapid sterilizing action

H?O? is easily decomposed, no venting time, fast turnaround of items

The final decomposition product is non-toxic (theoretically)

No installation requirements, no venting ducts


Poor penetration, there are instruments that have a strict length of the lumen, the size of the lumen of the Restriction of sterilization mechanism

Oxidation reaction, there are strict limitations on the material of the instrument


Sterilization of instruments absolutely dry, can not be on the oil

Toxicity of hydrogen peroxide, as well as the hazards of ultraviolet light generated during the plasma process

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