Conveyer assembly line material board
Rivet table nail puller
Rivet gun nail puller
Screw driver driver
Electric screw driver electric screw driver
Pneumatic screw driver pneumatic screw driver
worktable worktable
OOBA unpacking inspection
fit together assembled together
fasten locking
Fixture clamp (fixture)
Fixture for the screws
Fixture for the screws
Fixture for the screws
Fixture for the screws
pallet a pallet
barcode a barcode
barcode scanner a barcode scanner
fuse together a fusion
fuse machine a hot melt machine
repair a repair
operatorQC quality control
ME manufacturing engineer
MT manufacturing biotech
cosmetic inspect
inner parts inspect
thumb screwlbs. inch
EMI gasket
front plate
rear plate
chassis base
bezel panel
stamping factory
painting factory
molding factory
common equipment
uncoiler and straightener
common equipment
uncoiler and straightener
punching machine punching machine
robot robot
hydraulic machine hydraulic machine
lathe lathe
planer |'plein? miller
linear cutting
electrical sparkle
staker=reviting machine
general manager
special assistant manager
factory director
department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理
section supervisor課長
deputy section supervisor =vice section supervisor vice section supervisor
group leader/supervisor group leader
line supervisor line supervisor
assistant manager assistant
to move, to carry, to handle handling
be put in storage
pack packing
to apply oil wipe
to file burr file burr
final inspection
to connect material接料
to reverse material 翻料
To connect material
To connect materials
to reverse material
wet station
Tiana water
cleaning cloth
to load material
to unload material
to return material/stock
To return material/stock
To return material/stock
to file burr
final inspection
to return material/stock toscraped |'skr?pid|scraped
scrape . .v. to scrape; chip
deficient purchase incoming bad material
manufacture procedure制程
deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良
oxidation |' ksi'dei ?n|oxidation
dents indentations
defective upsiding down
defective to staking
embedded lump
feeding is not in place
delivery is not in place
production capacity productivity
education and training
proposal Improvement
spare parts=buffer
trailer=long vehicle
compound die
die locker
pressure plate=plate pinchbolt
name of a department
administration/general affairs dept
automatic screwdriver 电動启子
thickness gauge 厚薄規範
gauge(或 jig)治具
power wire电源线
defective product label不良标签
forklift forklift
pallet pallet
glove(s) glove
glove(s) with exposed fingers cut glove
thumb thumb
forefinger index finger
midfinger middle finger
ring finger ring finger
little finger little finger
band-aid band-aid
iudustrial alcohol industrial alcohol
alcohol container wetting table
head of screwdriver
mop mop
vaccum cleaner
rag rag
garbage container
garbage can <
garbage bag
chain chain
jack lift
production line
chain chain slot
lamp holder
to mop the floor mop
to mop the floorto clean the floor
to clean a table
air pipe air pipe
packaging tool
missing part missing part
wrong part wrong part
excessive defects
critical defects
major defects
minor defects
minor defects
not up <
not up to standard
dimension/size is a little bigger
cosmetic defect bad appearance
slipped screwhead/slippery screw head/slippery screw thread
slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread slippery hand
speckle spot
mildewed=moldy=mouldy moldy
rust rust
deformation deformation
burr (metal) flash (plastic) burr
poor staking bad riveting
excessive gap
grease/oil stains oil stains
inclusion impurity
painting peel off dirt
mixed color mixed color
scratch scratch
poor processing
poor incoming part incident Bad
fold of pakaging belt
painting make-up
water spots
polishing/surface processing/surface treatment
exposed metal/bare metal
lack of painting
delivery deadline
die repair
enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects
qc quality control
die worker die worker
production, to produce
to start a press
stop/switch off a press
regulation tidy up
die repair
enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects regulation rectification
cleanness cleaning
conservation cleaning
qualified products, up-to-grade products良品
defective products, not up-to
defective products, not up-to-grade products
sliding rack
defective product box
die change
die change
to fix
to fix a die install a die
to take apart a die dismantle a die
to repair a die repair a die
packing material
basket butterfly bamboo
plastic basket
isolating plate baffle basket
disassembling plate baffle basket
disassembling plate baffle basket
isolating plate baffle plate; barricade partitioncarton box carton
to pull and stretch deep drawing
to put material in place, to cut material, to input drop material
to impose lines
to compress, compressing compression
character die
to feed, feeding feeding
(be)qualfied, up to grade qualified
not up to grade, not qualified
material change, stock change material change
feature change characteristic change
prepare for, make preparations for
parameters parameter
rotating speed, revolution speed
manufacture management
abnormal handling
production unit production unit
lots of production production
steel plate steel plate
roll material roll
manufacture procedure制程
operation procedure作业流程
to revise, modify修订
to switch over to, switch---to throw --over switching over
engineering, project difficulty
engineering bottleneck
stage die engineering die
automation automation
to stake, stake, staking
reviting riveting
revision procedure
add lubricating oil
shut die racking
shut height of a die racking height
analog-mode device
die lifter
argon welding
vocabulary for stamping
stamping vocabulary
stamping, press stamping
punch press, dieing out press punch
uncoiler & strainghtener
rack, shelf, stack
conveyer belt conveyor belt
transmission rack
top stop upper dead center
bottom stop lower dead center
one stroke
inch inch movement
to continue, cont. to grip(material)
location lump, locating piece, block stop locating block
reset reset
smoothly smooth
dent indent
scratch scratch
filings iron
to draw holes
inquiry, search for
to stock, storage, in stock inventory
receive to collect
approval examine and verify audit
processing, to process
delivery, to deliver
to return delivenry to.
to send delinery back
to retrn of goods returned
registration card registration card
to control control
to put forward and hand in mention report
safe stock
acceptance = receive
to notice
application form for purchase requisition
consume, consumption
to fill in
abrasion wear
reverse angle = chamfer
character die
to collect, to gather gather
failure, trouble
demand and supply
career card
to take apart a die unload a die
to load a die load a die
to tighten a bolt
to looser a bolt
to move away a die plate
easily damaged parts
standard parts
break.(be broken)
standard parts
(be) a part of a mold
(be) an object that has been broken. breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked break
to lubricate
common vocabulary for die engineering
These are the most important parts of a die plate.