Air Canada Baggage Guidelines

If you are carrying an infant on your lap, you may carry additional standard items for their belongings. As standard or personal items (such as determining their size)

Carry-on bags, roller bags, backpacks, briefcases,


cats or small dogs in its carrier

Airport shopping duty-free shopping, and more.

Allowances you can carry on board in addition to the carry-on:

Coat or other outerwear,

Small purse measuring no more than 25 cm x 30 cm x 14 cm (10 inches x 12 inches x 5.5 inches).

Larger purses will be included in the carry-on allowance.

Infant care items (e.g. diaper bags),

Strollers - folded diameter not exceeding 25.5 cm (10 inches) and length not exceeding 92 cm (36 inches),

Child restraints if a seated child/infant has been purchased,

Special Needs (see section "Special Items "section),

Small electronic devices such as cellular phones or MP3 players.

Snacks or food eaten on board:

All food must be packaged or in containers.

You may not consume your own alcoholic beverages on board.

You must purchase liquids after you have passed the security checkpoint.

Special Items

The following items may be carried at any time in addition to the carry-on allowance:

Mobility aids (e.g., braces, crutches, canes, walkers, communication devices*) or other special needs items,

Container-carrying life-support items,

Medications in their original, labeled containers,

Battery-powered items. p>

Battery-powered medical devices (e.g., CPAP sleep apnea devices) and personal oxygen,

Syringes or needles for personal medical use (e.g., EpiPen auto-injectors). Please see the exceptions in the €~Prohibited Items section.

A device that helps a passenger communicate (e.g., augmentative and alternative communication device (AAC)).

Ashes can be carried on board the ship to provide for their storage in an urn, or in a cardboard box or wooden box with a tight-fitting lid (to ensure that there are no leaks), which can be checked by security. It must be accompanied by a certificate of cremation of the remains or a death certificate.

Important note: The above rules are strictly enforced. Passengers exceeding their allowance will be asked to check their carry-on baggage and additional checked baggage may be charged.