The world's least gynecological country is what country

It is understood that of the more than 190 countries in the world, more than 70 countries now recognize or accept dual nationality. And China is not among them. China's Nationality Law clearly states that "the Chinese people*** and the State does not recognize dual nationality for Chinese citizens" and "Chinese citizens who settle in a foreign country and voluntarily acquire a foreign nationality shall automatically lose their Chinese nationality"

Many countries will attach conditions to dual nationality according to their national conditions, such as children of international marriages must choose one nationality when they reach adulthood, etc. And some countries will also use international conventions or bilateral contracts to specifically solve the problems in dual nationality.

Canada's current Citizenship Act recognizes Dual Nationality, which means that Canadians who have acquired the nationality of another country may retain their Canadian citizenship unless they apply to renounce it on their own initiative and are approved by a citizenship judge. Overseas-born immigrants are likely to have Dual Nationality, and even Canadian-born children who grow up and live in another country and acquire another nationality are recognized as Dual Nationals by Canada. However, since the Chinese Nationality Law does not recognize dual citizenship, Chinese citizenship is now naturally lost when Canadian citizenship is acquired.

U.S. policy implicitly recognizes dual citizenship, and the law does not address the issue of dual citizenship or require a person to choose one or the other nationality. However, because of the problems that can arise from dual citizenship, the U.S. government discourages it, especially in light of recent efforts to strengthen naturalization and emphasize allegiance to the interests of the nation, with a greater focus on the loyalty of citizens to their country.

Dual citizenship is a commonly tacitly recognized form of international citizenship in many countries. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, and many other European and American countries respect... Most countries do not recognize the loss of nationality of their citizens due to the acquisition of a foreign nationality, for example, no matter in what way a French person acquires a foreign nationality, France still regards it as its own...

Argentina recognizes dual nationality and has signed agreements on dual nationality with Spain, the Philippines and Italy. India, Indonesia and other developing countries have introduced dual nationality laws.

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