I. Advanced Mathematics
1.1 Spatial Analytic Geometry Vector Algebra Straight Linear Plane Cylindrical Rotating Surface Quadratic Surface Space Curve
1.2 Differential Differences Limits Successive Derivative Differential Partial Derivative Fully Differential Derivative and Application of Differentiation
1.3 Integration Indefinite Calculus Definite Integral Integration Generalized Integration Dual Integration Triple Integration Plane Curve Integration Applications of Integration
1.4 Infinite series Numerical series Power series Taylor series Fourier series
1.5 Ordinary Differential Equations ' Separable Variable Equations Linear equations of the first order Reduced order equations Linear equations with constant coefficients
1.6 Probability and Mathematical Statistics Random events and Probability Classical Probability Distributions and Numerical Characteristics of One-Dimensional Random Variables Mathematical Sciences Basic Concepts of Statistics Parameter Estimation Hypothesis Testing Analysis of Variance Univariate Regression Analysis
1.7 Vector Analysis
1.8 Linear Algebra Linear Matrices n-Dimensional Vectors Systems of Linear Equations Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix Quadratic Forms
2. General Physics
2.1 Thermal Gas State parameters Equilibrium state Equation of state of an ideal gas Statistical interpretation of pressure and temperature of an ideal gas Principle of equalization of energy by degrees of freedom Mean number of collisions and mean free range of an ideal gas Internal energy of an ideal gas Maxwell's law of rate distributions Work Heat Internal energy First law of thermodynamics and its application to isotropic and adiabatic processes of ideal gases Molar heat capacity of gases Cyclic processes Thermodynamic efficiency The second law of thermodynamics and its statistical significance Reversible processes and irreversible processes Entropy p>
2.1 Thermodynamics Gases The second law of thermodynamics and its statistical significance Reversible and irreversible processes Entropy
2.2 Volatility Generation and propagation of mechanical waves Simple harmonic harmonic wave expression Wave energy Standing wave Speed of sound Ultrasound Infrasound Doppler effect
2.3 Optics Acquisition of coherent light Young's double-slit interference Optical ranges Thin-film interferometry Michael's interferometer Huygens-Fresnel principle Single-slit diffraction Resolving power of optical instruments Diffraction of x-rays Natural and polarized light Brewster's law Marius' law Double-refraction phenomenon Marius' Law Birefringence Interference of Polarized Light Artificial Birefringence and Applications
3.1 Structure of Matter and States of Matter Distribution of Electrons Outside the Nucleus of Atoms Electronic Structural Formulas of Atoms and Ions Atomic Orbitals and Electron Clouds Concepts Characteristics of Ionic Bonds Characteristics of Valence Bonds and Types of Ionic Bonds Molecular Structure Formulas Hetero-Orbitals and Molecular Space Configurations Polar Molecules and Nonpolar Molecules Intermolecular Forces and Hydrogen Bonds Law of Partial Pressure and Calculations and hydrogen bonding Law of partial pressure and calculations Vapor pressure of liquids Boiling point Heat of vaporization Relationship between crystal types and properties of substances
3.2 Solutions Concentration of solutions and calculations Non-electrolyte dilute solution properties and calculations Osmolality concepts Electrolytes Ionization equilibrium Ionization constants and calculations Counterionic effects and buffer solutions Ionic product of water and pH Salts Hydrolysis equilibrium and acidity and alkalinity of solutions Multi-phase ionic equilibrium Solubility product Constants. Solubility concepts and calculations
3.3 The Periodic Table Periodic Table Structure Periodic Groups Atomic Structure and Periodic Table Relationships Elemental Properties Oxides and their Hydrides Acid-Base Regressions
3.4 Chemical Reaction Equations Chemical Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium Chemical Reaction Equations and Calculations Heat of Reaction Concepts Thermochemical Reaction Equations Chemical Reaction Rates Concentration, Temperature Effects, and Rate Constants. The effect of concentration and temperature on reaction rate Rate constant and number of reaction stages Activation energy and catalyst concept Chemical equilibrium characteristics and equilibrium constant expression Chemical equilibrium shifting principle and calculation Pressure entropy and chemical reaction direction judgment
3.5 Redox and electrochemistry Oxidizing and reducing agents Oxidation and reduction equations and leveling Primary cell composition and symbol Electrode reaction and battery reaction Standard electrode potential Nernst's equation and application of electrode potential Electrolysis and electrode potential Application of electrode potential Electrolysis and metal corrosion
3.6 Organic Chemistry Characteristics, Classification and Naming of Organic Matter Functional Groups and Structural Formulas Important Organic Reactions: Addition, Substitution, Consumption, Oxidation, Addition and Condensation Molecular Formulas, Properties, and Uses of Typical Organic Matters: Methane, Ethyne, Benzene, Toluene, Ethanol, Phenol, Acetic Acid, Ethyl Acetate, Ethyl Amino, Aniline Poly(vinyl chloride), Poly(vinyl chloride), Poly(acrylic acid), Esters Rubber Nylon 66
4. Theoretical Mechanics
4.1 Static Mechanics Equilibrium Rigid Body Force Constraints Axioms of Static Mechanics Force Analysis Moment of Force on Point Moment of Force on Axis Moment of Force Coupling Theory Simplification of Force System Earth Vector Main Moment Equilibrium of Force System Equilibrium of System of Objects (Including Planar Static Truss) Sliding Friction Friction Angle Self-locking Considering the Equilibrium of System of Objects in the Case of Sliding Friction Center of Gravity
4.2 Kinematics Equations of motion of a point Trajectory Velocity and acceleration translational motion of a rigid body fixed-axis rotation of a rigid body equations of rotation angular velocity and angular acceleration velocity and acceleration of a point in a rigid body
4.3 Dynamics Fundamental laws of dynamics Differential equations for the motion of a mass Momentum Impulse Momentum theorem condition for the conservation of momentum center of mass center of mass theorem 'Condition for the conservation of the motion of a center of mass Momentum moment moment moment moment moment moment Moment of momentum theorem Theorem Condition for conservation of momentum moment Differential equation of fixed-axis rotation of rigid body Differential equation of rotational inertia Radius of gyration Parallel-axis theorem of rotational inertia Work Kinetic energy Potential energy Kinetic energy theorem Conservation of mechanical energy Conservation of inertial force Simplification of inertial force system of rigid body D'Alembert's principle Differential equation for linear vibration of single-degree-of-freedom system Differential equation of vibration period Frequency and amplitude Constraints Generalized coordinate Generalized coordinate Ideal constraints Imaginary displacement Ideal constraints Imaginary displacement Principle? Theory
V. Mechanics of Materials
5.1 Axial forces and axial force diagrams Stresses in cross sections and diagonal sections of tensile and compressive rods Strength conditions, Hooke's law, and displacement calculations Strain energy calculations
5.2 Practical calculations of shear and extrusion Shear, Hooke's law Shear stress reciprocity theorem
5.3 Calculation of moments of coupling of external forces Torsional moments and torque diagrams Torsional tangent of circular axes Shear stress and strength conditions Torsional Stress and Strength Conditions Torsional Angle Calculation and Stiffness Conditions Torsional Strain Energy Calculation
5.4 Static Moment and Concentration of Form Moment of Inertia and Product of Inertia Parallel Shift Equation Concentric Earth Moment of Inertia
5.5 Equations of Internal Forces for Beams Tangent and Bending Moment Diagrams Distribution of Differential Relationships Among Loads, Shear Forces, and Bending Moments Positive Stress Strength Condition Tangent Stress Strength Condition Proper Beam Cross Section Concept of Bending Centers Integral method for beam deformation Superposition method and Carpenter's second theorem
5.6 Numerical and graphical solutions for plane stress state analysis Principal and maximum shear stresses at a point of stress Generalized Hooke's law Four commonly used theories of strength
5.7 Oblique bending Eccentric compression (or tension) Tensile-bending or compression-bending combinations
5.8 Eccentric compression (or tension) Eccentric compression (or tension) Eccentric compression (or tension) Eccentric compression (or compression-bending) Tensile-bending combinations Tensile-bending or compression-bending combination Torsion-bending combination
5.8 Critical force equations for slender compression rods Scope of Euler's formula Critical stress diagrams and empirical formulas Stability checks for compression rods
6. Fluid mechanics
6.1 Main physical properties of fluids
6.2 Fluid hydrostatics Fluids The concept of hydrostatic pressure The distribution of hydrostatic pressure under gravity Calculation of total pressure
6.3 Fundamentals of fluid dynamics to describe the flow field as the object of the flow concepts Fluid motion of the total flow analysis of the constant total flow continuity equations, energy equations, and momentum equations
6.4 resistance to flow and head loss of the actual fluid flow two flow regimes of laminar and turbulent flow laminar and turbulent motion in a circular tube Characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow in circular pipes along the head loss and local head loss Basic concepts of boundary layer and surface layer and resistance to bypassing
6.5 Orifices and nozzles flow Constant flow in pressurized pipelines
6.6 Constant and uniform flow in open canals
6.7 Law of seepage wells and catchment corridors
6.8 Principle of similarity and analysis of the magnitude of the
6.9 Parameters of fluid movement (flow rate, flow, pressure)
6.10 The principle of similarity and analysis
6.11 The principle of similarity in the flow rate of the fluid. Measurement of fluid motion parameters (flow rate, flow rate, pressure)
VII. Basic Computer Applications
7.1 Computer Basics Hardware Components and Functions Software Components and Functions Digital Conversion
7.2 Windows Operating System Basics, System Startup Directories, Files, Disks, and Other Operations Networking Functions Note: Based on Windows 98
7.3 Computer Basics
7.3 Computer Programming Language Program Structure and Basic Provisions Data Variables Arrays Pointers Assignment Statements Input and Output Statements Transfer Statements Conditional Statements, Selection Statements Cyclic Statements Functions Subroutines (or Processes) Sequential Files Random Files NOTE: In view of the current situation, the temporary use of the FORTRAN language
VIII, Electroelectronics
8.1 Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields Coulomb's Law Gauss's Theory Loop Laws Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
8.2 DC Circuits Basic Elements of Circuits Ohm's Law Kirchhoff's Law Principle of Superposition Davignan's Theorem
8.3 Sine AC Circuits Sinusoidal Quantities Three Elements Effective Values Complex Impedance Single-Phase and Three-Phase Circuits Calculating Power and Power Factor Resonance in Series and Shunt General Knowledge of Safe Use of Electricity
8.4 Transient Processes in RC and RL circuits Transient processes Three-factor analysis
8.5 Transformers and motors Voltage, current and impedance transformations in transformers Use of three-phase asynchronous motors Commonly used relay-contactor control circuits
8.6 Diodes and rectifier, filtering and voltage regulator circuits
8.7 Triodes and single-tube amplifier circuits
8.8 Operational amplifiers Ratios of ideal op amps Addition, subtraction and integration The proportion of ideal operational amplifiers, addition, subtraction, and integration circuits
8.9 Gate Circuits and Triggers Basic Gate Circuits RS, D, JK Trigger
Nine, Engineering Economics
9.1 Cash Flow Composition and Calculation of Equivalent Value of Funds Cash Flow Investment Assets Depreciation of Fixed Assets Cost Costs Operating Costs Sales Revenue Profit The main taxes involved in the investment of engineering projects Equivalent Value of Funds Calculations Common formulas and application of the use of compound interest coefficient table
9.2 Investment economic evaluation methods and parameters net present value internal rate of return net annual value of cost present value of cost annual value of the difference between the internal rate of return payback period benchmark discount rate Types of alternative programs Comparison of equal-life and unequal-life programs
9.3 Uncertainty analysis break-even analysis breakeven analysis break-even point Fixed cost Variable cost Single-factor sensitivity analysis sensitivity analysis Cost Single-factor sensitivity analysis Sensitive factors
9.4 Financial evaluation of investment projects The basic content of the feasibility study of industrial investment projects The objectives and work of the financial evaluation of investment projects Profitability analysis The main ways of financing the cost of funds The main ways of debt repayment The basic financial statements Economic effect of full investment and the economic effect of its own funds The cash flow statement of full investment and the cash flow statement of its own funds Financial effect calculations Calculation of financial effect of cash flow statement and own funds Analysis of solvency Characteristics of financial evaluation of investment projects of reconstruction, expansion and technological transformation (relative to new projects)
9.5 Value engineering Concept, content and implementation steps of value engineering Functional analysis
X. Hydrology and hydrogeology
10.1 Concepts of hydrology River runoff Sedimentation Measurement of water balance in watershed
10.2 Flood and depletion of runoff 10.2 Flood and dry runoff Design dry flow and water level Design flood flow and water level
10.3 Precipitation data collection Stormwater formula Flood flow
l 0.4 Groundwater storage Geological structure Groundwater formation Groundwater storage Groundwater circulation
10.5 Groundwater movement Groundwater flow to wells Stable groundwater flow to wells Unstable groundwater flow to wells
10.6 Groundwater distribution p>
10.6 Characteristics of Groundwater Distribution Alluvial Groundwater in River Valleys Groundwater in Desert Areas Groundwater in Mountainous and Hilly Areas Groundwater in Mountainous Areas
10.7 Evaluation of Groundwater Resources Calculation of Reserves Evaluation of Exploitation
XI. Microbiology for Water Treatment
11.1 Morphology and Structure of Bacteria Bacteria Morphology of Bacteria Cell Structure Physiological Functions Growth and Reproduction Naming
11.2 Physiological Features of Bacteria Physiological characteristics of bacteria Classification of nutrient types Factors affecting enzyme activity Types of respiration in bacteria Growth of bacteria
11.3 Other microorganisms Iron bacteria Sulfur bacteria Clostridium bacteria Yeasts Bacterial morphology Algae Protozoa Protozoa Postcellular animals Viruses Phage Microorganisms Role in water treatment
11.4 Water hygiene Bacteriology Bacteria in water Bacterial distribution in water Water pathogenic bacteria Microbial control methods in water. Virus testing in water
11.5 Biological treatment of wastewater Pollutant degradation Pollutant transformation Organic matter decomposition Biological treatment of wastewater Pollution monitoring of water bodies
XII. Hydrodynamics
12.1 Hydrostatics Hydrostatic pressure Archimedes' principle Equilibrium and stabilization of submerged and floating objects
12.2 Theory of Hydrodynamics Bernoulli's equations Total headline Gauge headline
12.3 Resistance to flow and head loss Variation of along-stream resistance coefficient Local head loss Bypass resistance
12.4 Orifice, nozzle outflow and pressurized piping Variable head outflow from orifices (or nozzles) Hydraulic calculations for short pipes Hydraulic calculations for long pipes Hydraulic calculations for pipeline networks Fundamentals of hydraulic calculations
12.5 Uniform flow in open channels Optimum section and permissible flow rate Hydraulic calculations
12.6 Non-uniform flow in open channels 12.6 Non-uniform flow in open channel Critical water depth Slow flow Rapid flow Critical flow Gradual flow Differential equations
12.7 Weir flow Thin-walled weir Practical section weir Wide-topped weir Small bridge aperture hydraulic calculations Conservancy pond
Thirteen pumps and pumping stations
13.1 Vane pumps Centrifugal pumps Principle of operation Fundamental equations for centrifugal pumps Performance curves Specific revolutions (ns) Constant-speed operation conditions Pipes System characteristic curve Tank outflow condition point Parallel operation Tandem operation Speed operation Pressure change in suction pipe Cavitation and cavitation Cavitation margin Installation height Mixed flow pumps
13.2 Feed pumping station Pumping station Classification Pumping station power supply and distribution Pumping unit arrangement Suction and compression lines Pumping station Water hammer Pumping station Noise
1 3.3 Drainage pumping station Classification of drainage pumping station Constructional characteristics Pump selection Catchment volume Arrangement of pumping units Rainwater pumping stations Combined pumping stations Screw pumps Sewage pumping stations
14.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE OF WATER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Processes Preservation and pre-treatment of water samples Water analytical results Errors in water analytical results Data handling
14.2 ACID-BASE TITRATORY Acid-base equilibrium Acid-base titration Alkalinity and acidity of water
14.3 COMPACT TITRATION Compacting equilibrium Complexation titration Hardness determination
14.4 Precipitation titration Precipitation titration Principle of precipitation titration Moore's method for the determination of chloride ions in water Precipitation titration
14.5 Redox titration Principle of redox reactions Indicator titration Titration with potassium permanganate Titration titration with potassium dichromate Iodine quantitative titration titration Titration with potassium permanganate Index COD BOD, Total Oxygen Demand (TOD) Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
14.6 Absorption spectroscopy > 14.6 Absorption spectroscopy Absorption spectroscopy principle Colorimetry Spectrophotometry
14.7 Electrochemical analysis Potentiometric analysis Direct potentiometric analysis Potentiometric titration
XV. Engineering Measurement
1 5.1 Basic knowledge of measurement error Classification and characteristics of measurement error Assessment of accuracy Observed value accuracy assessment The law of propagation of error
15.2 Control Measurement Measurement Positioning and Orientation of Plane Control Network Conductor Measurement Meeting and Fixing Points Elevation Control Measurement
15.3 Topographic Mapping Topographic Mapping Basic Knowledge of Topographic Mapping Physical Plot Mapping Contour Topographic Mapping
1 5.4 Application of Topographic Maps Topographic Mapping Application of Topographic Maps in Architectural Design Topographic Mapping Application of Topographic Maps in Urban Planning
15.5 Measurement of Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering Control Measurement Construction The construction engineering deformation observation
16.1 China's laws and regulations on capital construction, architecture, urban planning, environmental protection, and real estate
16.2 Professional ethics and code of conduct for engineering designers
Fifteen years of experience can be exempted from the basic course.